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Second year 'gardening' after a first full of lessons from mother nature, hoping to fill the garden full of life and could use all the extra help!

Lavandula stoechas 'Anouk' (Anouk Series)

  • Season Icon Mid SpringMid Spring 2018
  • Like Count 8

Cut this back too late as I followed the labels instructions so just cut half back to see what would happen, nice to see new growth and flowers. Hoping to hide it in the border so only the flowers show 😄

  • Season Icon Early SpringEarly Spring 2018
  • Like Count 8

The lavender I got late last summer said to cut it in spring but by January it had already become 1/2 - 3/4 wood. Having a little experiment, trying different soils to see which, if any get the best cuttings 🤔 😁
