Flowering Tobacco
- Early Autumn 2018
- 24
- 10
- Late Spring 2018
- 14
- 1
- Late Spring 2018
- 12
- 3
- Late Spring 2018
- 7
- 0
- Early Autumn 2018
- 24
- Late Spring 2018
- 14
Always found green flowers quite cool
- Late Spring 2018
- 12
Love these. Mine are still very small. Are yours night scented?
I believe so @lydiastirling however my sense of smell seems to be lacking when it comes to flowers, unless they're right under my nose I'm oblivious lol
If you breath on it then smell it up close you will find out if not wait till the evening as they are evening /night scented.
- Late Spring 2018
- 7
I'm guessing nicoticana doesn't self-sow? Garden would be incredibly bare without the plugs that I ordered late last year as the seed sowing I did wasn't very productive lol
You’re right, they don’t, they are usually really easy from seed so it might be worth another try next year 👍👍
Thanks @pelly I haven't tried sowing these but maybe I'll give it a go, I really loved the green flowers and the moths loved them. I had to keep catching the ones that were coming in the house they were like humming bird size lol
They’re a fabulous plant and the perfume in the evening is sublime. I’m definitely having them again next year 👍👍
Nicotiana does self sow @higuy 😊
@tinaaune really? Even in miserable Manchester? Lol
My gosh, how bad is it where u are 😁 @higuy
@tinaaune it's so bad that I've only ever seen the sun in text books 😝😂
😃😄Well they reseed for me and we have close to -30°F in winter @higuy
Good to know @tinaaune thanks