Heuchera 'Fire Alarm'
Late Spring 2022
Mid Spring 2022

#heuchera #alumroot #alumroot-fire-alarm #newtome. #lostoneoverwinter

Nice find Diane loven the colour

Always like this one but it’s was new and pretty pricey 🌞

It was a little pricey but I find I have to wait till fall here to get sales for better prices. They are never a good price unless you get a tiny one (here in Canada) The tiny ones do not always survive. 🤷♀️@sunlovin

Thanks Alan. I had a lovely peach one last year which has not done well. Trying to save it but I think it is beyond hope. Hope this does better. ♥️ @alan1111

Thanks Katy. Was going for a dark pink but this one jumped out at me. Lol. ♥️ @gjones

I hope it dose well for you. The one that's not going well cheak the roots. Here the vine weevil grubs are the main culprits of huchuras dieing. I almost lost two last years. No saving them but I did manage to take cuttings that are now thriving

Thanks Alan. My one was chewed up and the peach one did look like something had gotten to the roots. Not enough left to take a cutting. 🤦♀️ 🤷♀️ @alan1111

Oh no! Let's hope it was a one off and the huchuras do better for you this year 🤞

Thanks Alan. We do the best we can but forces of nature often have other ideas. 🤞🤞🙏 @alan1111

Tell me about it 😆 @hkyfvr
#heuchera #heuchera-fire-alarm #stillinpot #mayputingarden
A true beauty! 💘😍
Thanks Katy. I really like this one. Every year I get a new one and it ends up being eaten by something. My peach one from last year did not come back. The only one that survives here seems to be the palace purple. Fingers crossed for this one. 🤞🤞 @gjones
Thanks Shelley. I love the colour. Hope it survives as my luck has not been good with these overwinter 🤞🤞🤷♀️ @ShelleySnyder
Very welcome! 🤞🤞💘😍
My Huecheras took a beating this year. Coming back very slowly. I’ve had to dig them up and separate them to see if they will revive. I think it’s the spring frosts that are hard on them. 🌞
That is too bad. I tried to revive my peach one but no luck. It must be the Spring frost as it started out ok then just shrivelled up. Maybe it is best to keep them in pots in the garage overwinter and early spring. 🤷♀️ @sunlovin
That colour 🤤
Maybe the colour will scare away the slugs. Or attract them 🙀 🤦♀️ @kez001uk
@hkyfvr hopefully they’ll think it’s fire and think it’ll make them shrivel up if they go near 🥹
I can only hope that happens. It does have fire in the name 🤔 @kez001uk
@hkyfvr 🤞🏻🔥🐌