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Hi. Am a grandma living north of Toronto in a small town. Love cats and beauty of nature. Hope to learn more to make my gardens lovely like yours🌸🌺
Oh dear. I have a hosta that is tiny. You would almost think it was a dwarf variety. Don’t think they even exist. Maybe next year 🤞🤞🤷‍♀️ @gjones
Thanks so much Shelley. I think my daughter is my personal shopper. She hunts down plants and sends me photos. This looks hand painted. 😍😍 @ShelleySnyder
Funny you should say that. My raspberry sundae one from Breck’s is so tiny this year. It is smaller than last year for sure. All my other hostas are growing well. This says good from zone 2. Hope it Winters ok. Lots of mulch for this baby. 😂🤣 @gjones
#hosta #hosta-snakeeyes #firstbloompeekingout. #doingwellinthisheat
Woweeee! 💘😍
🐍 I hiss with excitement! 🐍
Thanks lovely ladies. I love my hostas and they are all doing well in the heat we are having 🥵 @ShelleySnyder @KariSamuel
My pleasure! 💘😍
Oh dear. I have a hosta that is tiny. You would almost think it was a dwarf variety. Don’t think they even exist. Maybe next year 🤞🤞🤷‍♀️ @gjones