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Hi. Am a grandma living north of Toronto in a small town. Love cats and beauty of nature. Hope to learn more to make my gardens lovely like yours🌸🌺
#mandevilla #mandevilla-pink #overwinteringdownstairs #firstbloomoftheyear #prettyflower #lovepinkblooms So nice to see another flower growing downstairs. Helps me cope with the daily snowfalls we are getting. The snowbanks are so high now 🫣
A very pretty mood booster 🌸
Really the time to hygge and stay indoors ⛄️⛄️☃️☃️
Beautiful pink 🌸
Wow!!! So pretty 🌸
That’s so pretty! 🌸
Really pretty Diane 👏🏼
#mandevilla #mandevilla-illusionspink #lotsofblooms #indoors #undergrowlights #overwinteringdownstairs #oneoftwoplants
#mandevilla #mandevilla-illusionspink #indoorsovernight #coldnight #overwinteringindoors #prettypink
#mandevilla #mandevilla-illusionspink #prettyflowers #shinyfoliage #willoverwinterindoors #prettyinpink
#mandevilla #mandevilla-illusionspink #colorpop #prettyinpink #pinklicious #cheeryflower
Thanks Julie. Such a small plant with so many blooms. The best part is they are pink. 💕💗 @juliesgarden
#mandevilla #mandevilla-illusionspink. #newtome #halfprice #greatdeal #willoverwinterindoors
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#mandevilla #mandevilla-pink #overwinteringdownstairs #firstbloomoftheyear #prettyflower #lovepinkblooms So nice to see another flower growing downstairs. Helps me cope with the daily snowfalls we are getting. The snowbanks are so high now 🫣
A very pretty mood booster 🌸
Really the time to hygge and stay indoors ⛄️⛄️☃️☃️
Beautiful pink 🌸
Wow!!! So pretty 🌸
That’s so pretty! 🌸
Really pretty Diane 👏🏼