Ornithogalum umbellatum
Star of Bethlehem
Late Spring 2023
- 4
Late Spring 2022
- 6
Late Spring 2022
- 5
Late Spring 2021
- 3

Ornithogalum umbellatum
Late Spring 2023
Late Spring 2022

#star-of-bethlehem #anotherpatchofthese #cutelittleflowers #starshapedflower


Thanks. I have had these forever and they stay out all Winter. Very hardy plants. 🤍💚🤍 @gjones

🤞🤞😍 @gjones

@gjones I am in zone 6 and these grow like weeds here. They always return, even after the -20 year!!

@gjones I’m in zone 5 and they grow like weeds especially this year all over the garden. Only plant them if you don’t mind them spreading. The leaves die down and are gone by mid June like a spring bulb. 🌞
Late Spring 2022

#starofbethlehem #finallyup #inseveralplaces #prettylittlecuties

They’re such cute little flowers 🤩

They really are. I just find it looks messy when the foliage flops over to make way for the flowers. Like a carpet for them. I have them in 2 gardens. They have been with me for 25 years at least. 🤍🤍 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr at least it stays green. That’s what bothers me about alliums, the foliage flopping and going brown. Yours is laying down to protect the flowers 🤍 amazing to have had them for so long 😮

My alliums have just started to do that. At least the foliage stays green. The ones I planted near the fence still have foliage standing. They are really troopers for little flowers. 👍🤍💚🤍 @kez001uk
Late Spring 2021

#starofbethlehem #oneofmyfirstperennials #sopretty #lovethename

Those are the cutest little things!

Thanks. There are a lot more coming up. I love these little sweeties. 💚🤍 @shinygarden584
#ornithogalum-umbellatum #starofbethlehem #prettylittlegems
Well named…they are lovely Diane 🤍🤍
Thanks Angela. They seem so late this year but lovely to see them all along the garden edge. Their foliage drives me crazy though. 😂 @italydiva
I can understand that…I feel the same after the narcissi have gone over, I want the foliage gone too!