Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red'
Beardtongue 'Husker Red'
Early Summer 2024
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Early Summer 2024
- 3
Late Spring 2024
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Mid Spring 2024
- 1
Early Summer 2023
- 1
Early Summer 2023
- 5
Early Summer 2023
- 3
Late Spring 2023
- 3
Early Autumn 2022
- 1
Early Summer 2022
- 7
Late Spring 2022
- 4
Late Spring 2022
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Late Spring 2022
- 12

Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red'
Early Summer 2024
Early Summer 2024

#beardtongue #penstemon #penstemon-husker-red #tallplant #somanyblooms #beemagnet #redstems #redandgreenfoliage

Very pretty !! 😍

Thanks so much. So many blooms this year. Must be all the rain we have had. 🤍💗🤍 @sherrisgarden
Late Spring 2024

#penstemon #penstemon-husker-red #beebottom #insideflower #prettyblooms #greatfoliage Love watching the bees disappear into the trumpet shaped blooms.

You have such a beautiful garden. How long have you been creating such a beautiful landscape

Thanks so much for your kind comments Terri. I worked for years with a lady who loves to garden and it sparked my interest. I just had a few shrubs and perennials but during Covid I really got into it. Now my daughter has a beautiful garden of her own and we talk plants all the time. 😄 @terrimclaughlin
Mid Spring 2024

#penstemon #penstemon-husker-red #lovethefoliage #greentodeepred #excitedforblooms
Early Summer 2023

#beardtongue #penstemon-husker-red #somanyblooms #verytall #greatfoliagetoo
Early Summer 2023

#beardtongue #penstemon-husker-red #whitebloomswithpink #redfoliage

I must get this one it’s lovely 😊

So pretty! The dark stems set off the flowers so nicely 😋

Thanks Christine. This has grow so tall since last year when I bought it. Great foliage when it is not blooming. 🤍💗♥️ @vegandmore

Thanks Kerry. They really do. Love the dark red foliage too. 😁 @kez001uk
Early Summer 2023
Late Spring 2023

#beardtongue #penstemon-husker-red #lovethefoliage #lovelycolours

Ooooh nice, looking forward to seeing it red up ♥️♥️♥️♥️

Thanks. It has grown so much since I got it last summer. ♥️ @midnightgardener
Early Autumn 2022

#penstemon #penstemon-husker-red #fallfoliage #takentuesday #colderandrainytoday #maybesnowfriday
Early Summer 2022

#penstemon #penstemon-husker-red #firstyear #lotsofblooms

Gorgeous!!! 😍😍😍

Very pretty

That’s lovely 😊

Thanks so much everyone. My first penstemon and I am very pleased with it. 😊😍 @gjones @cheriej @hebelover @juliesgarden

You’ll be hooked .. I was 😂

I think you are right. 🤣 @juliesgarden
Late Spring 2022

#penstemon #beardtongue-huskerred #whiteandpinkflowers #deepredfoliage

GreSt foliage too Diane 😍

Thanks very much. It is great to have pretty flowers and nice foliage too. 😍 @KOutdoors @juliesgarden

Thanks so much. So happy with the colours 😍 @gjones
Late Spring 2022

#penstemon #penstemon-husker-red #firstbloomsever #daintyflowers #deepredfoliage

It‘a flowering already 😯 beautiful blooms 🤍💜🤍

Thanks Kerry. I really do like this. Hope it likes me. 🤷♀️😊 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr how could it not ☺️🤍

You are so kind. Thanks Kerry. I know you had said these flowers did not like you so I figured they might be snooty. Lol. 😆 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr 🤣😂 I think they have much higher standards than me 🤣 in truth I think I was too choppy-happy and cut them back too hard. I do that frequently 😳

I have a tendency to chop too much also. It does work with a lot of plants though. My delphinium from last year that had black blotch this year got cut back almost to the ground. Now it is growing well. Hope it flowers 🤞🤞 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr glad I’m not the only one 😂 mostly it works well but sometimes I take it too far 🙈 fingers crossed for your delphinium flowering🤞🏻

Thanks very much. So far so good. 👍 @kez001uk
Late Spring 2022

#newtome #penstemon-huskerred #beardtongue

Love a penstemon but they don’t like me 😂

I hope they like me. I will try. I think my butterfly bush is beyond hope. It is not coming back so I have holes to fill. 💜 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr it’s a beautiful sounding plant and I’ve no doubt it’ll thrive in your care 😁 sorry to hear about your butterfly bush 😞

Thanks. It attracted so many butterflies last summer. It was the heartiest one for this climate but I do not know why it died. 🤦♀️ @kez001uk

I can't keep a butterfly bush alive either @hkyfvr but these bloom cheerfully for me every year!

Thanks so much Katy. I researched it and hoped I was getting the right plant. 😊 @gjones

Butterfly bushes are very late to emerge. Don’t give up on it yet. I have this beardtounge and it is a pretty red in spring, but it reseeds all over the garden and many of them revert to a plain green leaves. I end up pulling them out which is a chore. To prevent it, you might want to cut the seeds off before the wind blows them all over. 🌞

Thanks for the advice. Will wait and see. 👍😍 @sunlovin

@hkyfvr it is frustrating when a plant that should work just doesn’t 😞 know the feeling too well 😝

It is frustrating Kerry. I lost so very many plants this Winter. I dug up my butterfly bush today and planted my rhododendron. I checked the bush for life and it was dry and no sign of green in the wood. The longWinter must have done it in. Hope my rhody does well. I added things to the soil to help. 🤞🤞🤞 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr it might be just too much for them after a couple harsh winters 😞 but the rhododendron is a great replacement ☺️
#penstemon #penstemon-husker-red #beemagnet #beesinsideblooms #wildlifewednesday Love watching the 🐝 go from flower to flower disappearing inside then backing out and on to the next one. 😍
Makes for a pretty picture too 🐝🌸🐝
What a pretty photo Diane 🐝🐝