Sansevieria trifasciata 'Golden Hahnii'
Golden Bird's Nest Snake Plant
Late Summer 2022
- 6
Mid Winter 2022
- 11
Early Winter 2022
- 5
Early Autumn 2021
- 10

Sansevieria trifasciata 'Golden Hahnii'
Late Summer 2022
Mid Winter 2022

#sansevieriasaturday #birds-nest-snakeplant #sansevieria-trifasciata-goldenhahnii

Thanks so much Katy. I have to agree. I really love this one. 💚💛💚 @gjones


Wonderful photo didn’t realise it was called a birds nest

Thanks Shelley. 💚💛 @ShelleySnyder

Thanks very much Sharon. The shape is kind of like a birds nest. The shape and colours sold me on it. 💚💛💚 @sharonhayden

My pleasure!💘😍

What a beauty💚

Beautiful from above 🤩

Thanks so much. I really love this one. 💚💛 @crabby58

Thanks so much Richard. Really appreciate it. 👍😍 @richard.spicer.7906
Early Winter 2022

#birds-nest-snakeplant #golden-birdsnestsnakeplant #animal-named #animal-namedplant

Thanks so much Katy. Love this plant too. Was happy to find one with this variegation 🙏😍 @gjones

So beautiful.

Thanks Susan. One of my favourites 💚💛 @novicegardenlover

I see why.
Early Autumn 2021

#golden-birdsnestsnakeplant #goldenhahnii #sansevieria-golden-hahnii #newtome #wentforplantpots #foundthislittlebeauty

Love the leaves😃💚💛

Thanks so much. I love them too 💚💛 @crabby58

Thanks very much. I was just there to grab a few pots but this one had to come home with me. 😊 💛💚 @gjones

It’s so pretty and such a nice shape. I would have taken it home too! 😁

Love to go shopping for pots and come home with plants🤪it's the best

It sure is 👍😁 @crabby58

Thanks Cherie. Could not resist. Have wanted one for a while. 💚💛💚 @cheriej

Pleased you showed this as I have one and did not know what it was called

Glad I could help. 😊 @Jean12345
#sansevieria-trifasciata-goldenhahnii @aemilia This is my birds nest snake plant golden hahni. It has very thin dark lines on the outside of the leaves.
Thank you for sharing! It's very lovely plant 😍
Very welcome Anna and thank you too 😍 @aemilia
It’s fantastic!! I love these!!💚💚💚
Thanks so much. It is a lovely plant. Love the colours 💛💚 @cheriej
Thanks Katy. I really do love this one. Wanted @aemilia to see it for comparison to hers. 💚💛 @gjones