Spiraea japonica 'Anthony Waterer'
Spiraea 'Anthony Waterer'
Mid Summer 2024
- 1
Early Summer 2023
- 3
Early Summer 2023
- 3
Early Autumn 2022
- 12
Early Summer 2022
- 5
Early Summer 2022
- 4
Early Summer 2021
- 10
Early Summer 2021
- 10
Early Summer 2021
- 9
Early Summer 2021
- 13
Mid Autumn 2020
- 1
Early Autumn 2020
- 2
Late Summer 2020
- 1

Spiraea japonica 'Anthony Waterer'
Mid Summer 2024
Early Summer 2023
Early Summer 2023
Early Autumn 2022

#spiraea #spiraea-anthonywaterer #autumncolours #rainyday #coldenoughtosnow

Love the colours…..💜💗💚

Thanks Elaine. Me too. Nicest fall colours this year 🍂🍂 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Wow! That is spectacular! I have one of these but think it may be in the wrong position. In what position/aspect is yours Diane?

Oh wow! This is so gorgeous! 💘😍

Thanks so much Angela. Mine is in the back of my west facing border. It gets lots of afternoon sun. It has never looked this colourful in the autumn before and I have had it for years. The weather people are saying the cool nights all of September and October have caused the vibrant colours this year. Everything is so much more vibrant this year. We may get snow tonight. 🤦♀️ @italydiva

Thanks Shelley. We have the cool nights all of September to thank for our vibrant fall colours this year. We may get snow overnight. 🥶 Then up to 18 degrees for the weekend - 64 degrees F @ShelleySnyder

🥶 we are slowly going down, you are very welcome Diane! 💘😍

Gorgeous colours 😍

Ahh, that would explain it! Sounds crisp and chilly Diane! It does look absolutely amazing 🤩

Thanks again Angela. We have a little snow on the ground today. 🥶 @italydiva

Thanks so much Ange. Such lovely colours this year. 😍 @anges
Early Summer 2022

#spiraea #spiraea-anthonywaterer #sofullandhealthy #goodyearforthese

Looking good! 💘😍

Thanks so much Shelley. My spiraea have grown so well this year. 😍😍 @ShelleySnyder

My pleasure!💘😍

Thanks so much. I have to prune it back. It is spreading under my barberry. So many more blooms this year too. 👍💕 @gjones
Early Summer 2022

#spiraea #spiraea-anthonywaterer #prettyblooms #gettingsobig

Just look at those flowers, aren't they something! 💘😍

Thanks Shelley. They sure are. I never paid much attention to them until the last few years. Funny what we miss when we are always rushing here and there. 😍😍 @ShelleySnyder

My pleasure! 💘😍
Early Summer 2021

#spiraea #spiraea-anthonywaterer #tinytreasures #tinylittleflowers

I have a young one of these Diane, I don’t expect it will flower this year but I love the deep pink 💗

What a super colour 💕💕💕

Nice color!💜🌞

Thanks Angela. The rest of the flowers are a lighter pink. Only a few dark ones. Hope yours are the deep pink. 💗💗 @italydiva

Thanks Jane. The rest of the flowers are a lighter pink. Just a few of the deeper shade. Something different this year. 💗💗 @pelly

Thanks so much. Love the deep pink. Really stands out. 💗💗 @sunlovin

The contrast must be lovely 💕

It is really pretty Jane. The darker pink has just bloomed so more may pop open. 🤞🤞😍 @pelly

Thanks Katy. Love the dark pink. Lovely. 💗💗 @gjones
Early Summer 2021

#spiraea #anthonywatererspiraea #darkerpinkblooms #verypretty

So pretty! 💗💗

Fabulous colour 💞💞💞

Love it 😍

Thanks so much Suzie. Love the dark pink. 💗💗 @suzieshadow1227gmailcom

Thanks so much Jane. The rest are pale pink so this was a bright surprise 💗 @pelly

Thanks Phil. It is the only darker pink on the shrub. So bright and cheery. 💗💗 @philstader

So welcome Diane 😊

Oh I like this very much 💕💞💕💞

Thanks Kerry. Adds a darker pink to the other pinks 😁💗💕 @kez001uk
Early Summer 2021

#spiraea #spiraea-anthonywaterer #sobigthisyear #sofull #lotsofblooms

Too pretty 💕💚💕

Thanks so much Kerry. I know this is on your wish list. It is the best of my spiraea. 💗 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr I’ve got a real thing for them lately. Think the flowers are just adorable. Have one that’s never flowered but I even love it without blooms. It’s a strange growing thing, almost grows horizontally 😜

I have a small one I should post. Not as pretty as this one though. 💕💗 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr please do 😛 love seeing your plants 😁

Thanks. You are very kind. We have been getting thunderstorms and downpours all afternoon and evening. Hope all is not too soggy tomorrow. My petunias have gone limp. My pots are saturated. 🙀 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr I hope the rain lets up 🙏🏻 it’s amazing how fast petunia flowers disintegrate 😝

They need to be deadheaded today. They look like limp dishrags. 😕 🙀 kez001uk
Early Summer 2021

#spiraea #anthonywatererspiraea #prettyblooms


Thanks Kerry. My favourite of my 4 spiraea. 💗 @kez001uk

Pretty, looks pretty big??💗

Thanks. It has grown out of control this year. Will be doing a hard prune in the fall. 💗 @crabby58

I think it looks great😃the bigger the better👍

@hkyfvr you have 4??? 😮

I have three out front. They are in a small garden near the road. They do not grow big there but they are healthy and bloom every year. I have a gold mound and a bridal wreath and a princess one in that garden. 👍😍 @kez001uk

Thanks so much. It is my best one. 👍🌸 @crabby58

@hkyfvr aaah, I remember us talking about the bridal wreath one 😋 gold mound sounds interesting 🧐

The gold mound is my oldest one. It has yellow foliage and light purple blooms. It needs a good hard prune as it is getting woody and leggy looking. 🤞🤞 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr you have tempted me into another plant 😂 on my wish list now 😋
Mid Autumn 2020

#spirea ##spireaanthonywaterer #frostedtop #colourfulfoliage #bestofoctober
Early Autumn 2020
Late Summer 2020

Spiraea blooming a second time. 🌸💕
#spiraea #spiraea-anthony-waterer #secondflush #cutbackinjuly #lightercolour #gettigsobig #lovelyshrub