Syngonium 'Batik'
Arrowhead 'Batik'
Early Winter 2024
- 1
Mid Autumn 2023
- 4
Early Winter 2023
- 9

Syngonium 'Batik'
Early Winter 2024
Mid Autumn 2023

#syngonium #arrowhead-vine-batik #lovemysyngoniums #houseplant #variegated #syngonium-saturday


Beautiful lighting

Thanks Ruth. I have a grow light close by. 💚 @sushiwaitress
Early Winter 2023

#syngonium #arrowhead-vine-batik #wishlistplant #sosurprisedtofindit #myluckyday #newtome #lovethevariegation

Wow! This is a crazy cool one! 💘😍

So #veiny

Great leaves

Thanks so much Katy. Could not believe I found it that fast. It was the only type of syngonium they had in the garden centre. 😄 @gjones

Thanks so much everyone. Was so lucky to find it. When I saw the name on it I was excited. 💚 Only a plant lover can understand that feeling. 😄 @ShelleySnyder @emch @KOutdoors @lesliecole49

Very welcome! I know how you feel!💘😍

Been there! (been disappointed too when I discovered a few were misnamed) but a nice plant is a nice plant regardless of its name

Totally agree Leslie. 💚 @lesliecole49
#syngonium #arrowhead-vine-batik #variegation #growingwell #foliagefriday