Late Spring 2023
- 12
Mid Spring 2023
- 7
Mid Spring 2023
- 13
Mid Spring 2023
- 9
Early Spring 2023
- 2
Mid Spring 2022
- 7
Late Spring 2021
- 5
Mid Spring 2021
- 10
Mid Spring 2021
- 14
Mid Spring 2021
- 9
Mid Spring 2021
- 7

Late Spring 2023
Mid Spring 2023

#lilac #purple-lilac #fullyopened #atitsbest #lovelyscent #morebloomsthisyear

What a beautiful lilac!! I bet it smells wonderful right there where you are!!!😊💕

Thanks so much Terri. It is right outside our bedroom window near our back porch. The scent is amazing 💜😍 @terrimclaughlin


Thanks Angela. She is a beauty 💜 @italydiva

That’s amazing, your so lucky to have that. They are here but long done blooming. I love the fragrance and yours must fill a large area with it’s fragrance. 🤩🤩🤩

Thanks Phil. It really does fill our yard with fragrance. Wish the blooms lasted longer though. A few more days and they will be done. Will enjoy them till then 💜 @philstalder
Mid Spring 2023

#lilac #purple-lilac #amazingscent #somanyblooms #mayflowers

How beautiful is that 💜💜

Thanks very much @juliesgarden Brought some indoors and the smell is so lovely 💜

Beautiful Lilac 💜💜💗💗💗💗

It’s so dense with flowers that you barely notice the leaves! 💜💜💜

It’s gorgeous!! I love Lilacs, my mother had them when I was little! 💜💜💜

Thanks ladies. So happy it came back so full of bloom this year. We always had lilacs when I was young too. This lilac came from my hubby’s family’s home on the lake. It sure has grown since then. 💜 @midnightgardener @kez001uk @cheriej


I bet !💜

Thanks so much Bob. They are so beautiful and the fragrance is awesome 💜 @bobbyball

@hkyfvr so lovely it’s a literal family tree 🥰

Love the way you look at things. It really is 😍💜 @kez001uk
Mid Spring 2023

#lilac #purplelilac #somanybloomsthisyear #heavenlyscent

Love lilac 💜

Me too. Smell so lovely. 💜 @juliesgarden

It’s loaded! 😮 can almost smell it from here 🤤

It is amazing. Last year we hardly had any blooms and this year so many. We finally got the pruning right. 😉 @kez001uk

It’s magnificent!! 💜💜💜

Thanks so much @cheriej So good to see it blooming well again this year 💜

@hkyfvr I think you might have!! 😅✂️👍🏻

It’s about time. 😂 @kez001uk
Early Spring 2023
Mid Spring 2022

#lilac #purplelilac #notmanyblooms #lastyearwasfullofblooms. #lovethescent

#fragrant #sunlover

Thanks Eileen. Love the scent of these. Thanks for the tag also. @emch

Thanks Karen. Have had this lilac for a long time and it is so lovely. 💜 @KOutdoors

Wow that’s amazing and nice it’s blooming now. All the ones here bloom in Feb/March and only for about 2 weeks. 🙂

Thanks Phil. It is going to rain all week so I may miss most of the blooms 🤦♀️🤷♀️ @philstalder

Thanks Katy. Not nearly as many blooms this year but still lovely. The warm sunny week brought out so many blooms. Rain all this week is much needed. 👍💜 @gjones
Late Spring 2021

#free-tagging-friday #lilac #cutflowers #beautifulscent

One of my favorite scents !!!!! 💜

Beautiful 💜💜💜

Mine too. Such a lovely scent 💜 @mojosmomma

Thanks so much. Enjoying it indoors as well as outdoors 👍💜💜 @pelly
Mid Spring 2021

#lilac #purplelilac #sopretty #smellsfantastic


Beautiful and so many blooms

Oh my gosh💟💟💟💟

Beautiful 🤗

Thanks so much. Last year it was not at its best but making up for it this year. 👍💜 @Susanandsteve

Thanks Thelma. She is making up for last year when there were not many blooms. Have never seen such big and beautiful blooms. 👍💜 @crabby58

Thanks so much. She outdid herself this year. 👍💜 @godfreye

Wonderful 🤩

Thanks Phil. The blooms are so much bigger and more plentiful than last year. 💜 @philstader
Mid Spring 2021

#lilac #purplelilac #smellsglorious #takenthroughwindow #togetwholeshrub #thirtyyearoldshrub #camefromfamilyhomeonlake

Wow that’s huge. Must be able to smell it a mile away. 🤩

Can’t believe the difference already 😲 the smell must be beautiful 😋

Thanks Phil. My sniffer is not the best but when I get close it is fantastic 💜💜👍

Thanks Kerry. What a difference a warm day makes. Smell lovely but will be even better when fully opened. 👍💜 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr my neighbour used to have them all through her garden, easily had 10 different colours. When she moved the new people cut down every single one 😢 the smell was intoxicating on a warm day 😍

There ya go💟Diane💟Beautiful💜

That is too bad. It is funny how some people do not appreciate the beauty of nature. I have seen lovely trees cut down by new owners. Will enjoy my lilac every day it blooms 👍💜😍 @kez001uk

Thanks so much Thelma. Had to take the photo from my bedroom to get it all in. 🤣💜💜 @crabby58

@hkyfvr and to go from that to just a bare lawn with nothing 😕 makes no sense to me. Enjoy 💜💜💜

Beautiful 💕💕💕💜💜

Thanks Chris. That cold weather slowed it down but it caught up now that it is warm. Feels like summer now. 💜 @midnightgardener
Mid Spring 2021

#lilac #almostfullyopen #lovelyscent #largeshrub #nearmybedroomwindow

Beautiful 💟

Beautiful and full!💘😍

Thanks Thelma. This is one half of the lilac bush. Cannot fit it all in. Scent is lovely. 💜💜 @crabby58

Thanks Shelley. Got as much as I could in the photo. The warmer weather finally encouraged it to bloom. 💜💜 @ShelleySnyder

Very welcome!💘😍

Absolutely lovely...i can smell mine anytime I'm outside💟💟

Mine are not quite there yet. Also my sinuses are not the best due to allergies. Must enjoy them all we can. Stop and smell the lilacs 😄👍 @crabby58

Yes😍💟they are so fabulous💟
Mid Spring 2021

#lilac #twotypestogether #oneisfrenchlilac #abouttoopen #willsmellfantastic

Going to smell as good as it looks 🤤

I had a sniff today. Nothing yet but tomorrow may be the day. 🤞🤞 Next week our temps will be in the mid to high 20’s. That is what happens here. Cold to hot. Crazy. 🤪😍 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr it’s amazing how fast it heats up for you! Can we borrow some sunshine over here please? Still raining like mad 😢

Sure. If only I could send you some. Warm and dry all week. Now I am watering the gardens. We seem to get extremes here. Climate has changed. Hope the rain stops soon 🤞🤞💗 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr one benefit of the rain is I don’t have to water 😂

Good to see the positive side 👍😍 @kez001uk
#lilac #lilac-time #lastphoto #fullyopened #beforedusk #noshadowsnow #amazingscent
#fragrant #scented #unapologetic
Thanks for the great tags Kari. 😄 @KariSamuel
Very welcome! I love tags! #itscalledgtagsafterall 🥰 YOU are also great at using tags! 💙#️⃣💙
That looks beautiful 🩷
@KariSamuel @hkyfvr #wow is missing I think 🤔..... beautiful!
I’m in love 💜💜💜😍
Fantastic I bet the smell is divine 💜💜💜
That is fabulous Diane 🤩
Thanks Kari 😍 @KariSamuel
Thanks everyone for all your lovely comments. I love that this beauty is right outside my bedroom window. I have to take the photo from inside to fit it all in. 💜😂 @hebelover @lifeonaroofterrace @juliesgarden @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @italydiva @godfreye