Zinnia elegans 'Candy Cane Mix'
Zinnia 'Candy Cane Mix'
Late Summer 2024
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Mid Summer 2023
- 3
Late Summer 2022
- 5
Late Summer 2022
- 9
Late Summer 2022
- 4
Late Summer 2022
- 8
Mid Summer 2022
- 3
Mid Summer 2022
- 2
Mid Summer 2022
- 7
Early Summer 2022
- 1
Early Summer 2022
- 8
Early Summer 2022
- 5
Early Summer 2022
- 10
Early Summer 2022
- 21
Early Summer 2022
- 6
Early Summer 2022
- 5
Early Summer 2022
- 6
Early Spring 2022
- 1
Early Spring 2022
- 6

Zinnia elegans 'Candy Cane Mix'
Late Summer 2024
Mid Summer 2023
Late Summer 2022

#zinnia #lastfewblooming #almostdone #zinnia-candycanemix #grownfromseed

Thanks Katy. I got rid of one of my pots of zinnias today. Saved the dry ones for seeds. The foliage was yellow and I needed the big pot. Most of the flowers were on their way out anyway. Going down to 3 degrees Thursday night. 🤦‍♀️ @gjones

Very pretty Diane. Top right is my favourite 🤩

Wow you have been busy. Hope your frost is a light one and you get your warmer days. 🤞🤞😍

Thanks so much. I like that one too and the pink one 💗 @italydiva
Late Summer 2022

#zinnia #zinnia-candycanemix #lovethecolours

Looks like the dahlia I have 😛

Looks like candy! 🍬

It does Kerry. Did not think of that. Except for the centre. 😁 @kez001uk

It does Kari. They named it just right. 😁 @KariSamuel

Thanks Katy. It does look a lot like a dahlia. Very happy with my zinnias this year. 😍 @gjones

@hkyfvr the dahlia has now opened so much it has a centre like this 😂 tryna be twins 🤣

Maybe I should just do zinnias next year and call them dahlias. Maybe Zahlias. 😂🤣 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr zahlias! Yesssss! 😅 nobody would ever know 😉
Late Summer 2022

#zinnia #zinnia-candycanemix #lovethepinkedges #wavypetals

Thought it was a rose at first glance 😮

Thanks so much. This one is the prettiest of the lot. A little different than the others. 🧡😍 @gjones

It does look like a rose or dahlia. Its petals are more wavy. 🧡 @kez001uk
Late Summer 2022

#zinnia #grown-from-seed #butterycolour #zinnia-candycanemix #lovezinnias

Pretty color

Thanks Leslie. It is different from any I have seen 💛 @lesliecole49

Oooh, unusual colour 😍 love it 💛

Thanks Kerry. Makes me want some buttered popcorn 💛🤣 @kez001uk

Thanks so much. The tiny yellow flowers in the centre have just started growing. 😄 @gjones

@hkyfvr now I want some too 😋🍿🧈🤤

🤣😋🤪 @kez001uk
Mid Summer 2022
Mid Summer 2022
Mid Summer 2022

#zinnia #grownfromseed #zinnia-candycanemix #allsopretty

Wow love them all

Thanks very much. They are such lovely flowers. Love all their colours. 😍 @juliesgarden

Love them….🥰

Thanks very much ladies. Am happy with these this year. They struggled to make it through the cool Spring but they made up for it come Summer. 😍 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @gjones

You’ve got some lovely ones there 😍

Thanks Kerry. I am so happy they grew so well from seed. 😍 It was touch and go for a while. 😍😁 @kez001uk
Early Summer 2022

#zinnia #zinnia-candycanemix #orangeandyellowmix #lovethese
Early Summer 2022

#zinnia #zinnia-candycanemix #newbloom. #lovethismix

That's pretty

Thanks Charlotte. Looks good enough to eat. 🤔 @charlotte

Pretty 🤩

Thanks Julie. I agree. 😍 @juliesgarden

Very pretty 😍

Thanks Elaine. Love the candy cane mix. 🤍♥️ @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

I haven’t seen those here….maybe on line..
Early Summer 2022

#zinnia #zinnia-candycanemix #justahintofpinkstripe #differentcolour

@hkyfvr I tried growing these this year but my seedlings got attacked by aphids 😞 At least I can see yours 🙂

I am so sorry. My seedlings got bothered by fungus gnats while they were indoors. They seemed stunted in their growth. It seemed to take forever but finally they shot up and bloomed. My cosmos were a no show though. I planted so many seeds and got nothing. 🤷‍♀️ Hopefully next year for you. 🤞🤞 @Dragon_Warrior

@hkyfvr Thank you 😊 I guess some loss has to be expected with gardening. I also lost multiple varieties of tomato seedlings as well 🫤 Oh well. But then you find other surprises that make up for it. It’s a learning process.

Always welcome. It definitely is a learning process 👍😍 @Dragon_Warrior
Early Summer 2022

#zinnia #zinnia-candycanemix #lovetheyellowone #sohappywiththese

Rightly so! They’re so cute 💛❣️

Thanks so much 😍 @kez001uk

Love it

Thanks Jason. I think these ones are pretty. 💛♥️💛 @hebelover

Thanks so much. 💛 @gjones

Oh no. That is a lot Katy. Sorry for the late reply. Our Internet and TV and Interac were down all day long. Nice and quiet though. I wish I could send you some good weather. We have done so well this late spring and early summer. Warm days and cool nights. Hope your zinnias survive. 🤞🤞🤞♥️ @gjones

We were offline from early morning till almost 9. It was nice in some ways but annoying as we could not reach family with Rogers. Only our phone service is with Bell. I realize how much we all depend on the internet for everything. Very quiet day today. 😁 @gjones

Thanks so much for being so kind. Our wifi was down again today and it has just now come back. The TV and phones were fine but my iPad requires wifi and I have gtags on my iPad. Must get it on my phone too. My recovery is coming along slowly but the antibiotic I have to take 4 times a day has caught up with my tummy. Must take some probiotics. Thanks Katy 😍 @gjones

Thanks so much Katy. I am eating some yogurt now and will take a probiotic before bed. 👍😁 @gjones
Early Summer 2022

#zinnia #zinnia-candycanemix #lovethecolours

Definitely makes me crave a candy cane😋

That would be tasty. 😍 @cowdenkyle

Think these have to be my favourite zinnias 🤩

Thanks so much Kerry. Until they came up I completely forgot I had planted these seeds. It was 3 months ago and my memory is not the best. 😆 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr that’s the great thing about seeds, there’s always a surprise 😁 think if we could remember everything we planted we’d be geniuses! 🤣

We would be. I label my dahlia tubers but the tags get destroyed or mixed up. Still waiting for the other dahlia I overwintered to flower. Not sure if it is yellow and white or yellow and red. Will know soon. 👍😍 @kez001uk


Thanks so much. Love this one. 🤍♥️🤍 @gjones

Thanks @sunlovin. These are my favourites 🤍♥️🤍

@hkyfvr it’s always the ones you want to see most that make you wait 🤪

It always is. They have not opened but I can see some red. Was hoping it would be that one. 💛♥️ @kez001uk
Early Summer 2022

#zinnia #zinnia-candycanemix #grownfromseed #orangeflowerfromlastyear #sopretty

They’re all so different 🤩 the white & pink ones are special though 😋

They really are special. It is kind of fun to see stripes in the yellow one too. I have a bright pink one that must have been from my harvested seeds. 😍 @kez001uk

Thanks so much. I do too 😍😍 @gjones

@hkyfvr Zinnias do come in some crazy colours 😜😍

They do and I love that. 😍😍 @kez001uk
Early Summer 2022

#zinnia #grownfromseed #zinnia-candycanemix #newtomethisyear #sopretty

Very pretty.

I really like that, added to my wishlist

Thanks Susan. It is lovely. 🤍💗🤍 @novicegardenlover

Thanks so much. It is a beauty. 💗🤍💗 @DeborahBanks
Early Summer 2022

#zinnia #grownfromseed #zinnia-candycanemix

Pretty 😍

Thanks Elaine. I totally forgot I planted these seeds. I thought I had only planted my seeds I collected from last year. Senior moment. 🤦‍♀️😂 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

It’s so cute already! 😍

Thanks. I think almost all my seedlings are the candy cane mix. 😆 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr that’s not a bad thing 😛 each one will be different from the last 😁
Early Spring 2022

#zinnia #seedlings #prickedoutseedlings #undergrowlight Planted a new pack of cosmos seeds and so far only one germinated so I planted my own harvested seeds. 🤞🤞
Early Spring 2022

#zinnia #zinnia-seedlings #zinnia-candycanemix #germinatingwell #earlystart

You’ve had loads germinate 🤩🌱

The new grow light seems to have helped. 👍😍 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr it would appear so 🤩

I have this one started too. 72 plants that I hope will make it to my garden by mid May. Were you surprised at how fast these germinate?!!

Sounds good. They are really fast. I planted a whole pack of cosmos plus some I harvested and so far only one has germinated. I have more seeds coming in the mail hopefully. 👍 @Ottawa_Gal
#zinnia #zinnia-candycanemix #creamywhite #flecksofpink #lastyearsseeds #grownfromseed
Pretty flower and great name 🥰
I agree Debs. Must be from seeds I harvested 2 years ago. Glad to see them. 🥰 @debs69