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Profile Image Hollie  Irvin


A beginner learning about horticulture. I work in a garden centre and am slowly growing my own collection. Any tips will be a huge help! Thanks

Acanthocereus tetragonus Fairy Castles syn.Cactus tetragonus, Cereus tetragonus, Cactus pentagonus, Cereus pentagonus, Acanthocereus pentagonus, Cereus acutangulus

  • Season Icon Late AutumnLate Autumn 2018
  • Like Count 1

This is the same Cacti I added a long time ago, when I first found GardenTags 😌. Since then, I've been trying desperately to find out what it is, and I believe it might be a "Fairy Castles" Cactus (with thumb for scale, like the original photo). You can see how much it's grown since then, and I really don't understand how its doing so well 😂. I water it very rarely, and occasionally add a drop of cacti food in. #cactus #neglected #thriving #thrivingonneglect

  • Season Icon Early AutumnEarly Autumn 2016
  • Like Count 2

I've had this since a friend gave it to me at least two years ago, when it was one of those gimmick Mexican sombrero cacti you can get 🌵 and it was only around two inches tall! Look at it now 😄 #cactus #gift #doingwell #doingsomethingright #proud
