Citrus x paradisi
Grapefruit Tree
Early Winter 2022
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Early Winter 2019
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Early Winter 2019
- 6

Citrus x paradisi
Early Winter 2022
Early Winter 2019

Another view of my small grapefruit tree. Its a dwarf that can grow 8 feet, but ive been making it get bushy through pruning. Its only 5' right now, but still produced about 60 grapefruits and ive been enjoying them this week 😛 great tree that can fit in any garden ✌ #grapefruit #toronja #citrus #winterfruit #winter #grapefruittree #garden #gardening #gardener #nature #happy #plants #entrepreneur #landscaper #permaculture #foodforrest #fruit #fruittree #food #ediblelandscaping #la #losangeles

#cali #california #gyo #nutrition #healthyfood #altadena

Love smaller trees that won’t take up too much space but are still productive 😋

@sabbanrula alot of the citrus, if not all, has been crossed to be have dwarf varieites, they are great for homes and small yards. And yes great productions on the dwarfs 😛✌
Early Winter 2019

My grapefruits at my home are finally in season 🥰 i love the taste of grapefruits ! These fruits are full of Potassium, Magnesium, protein, Vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and vitamin B-6. Very nutritious fruit ! #grapefruit #toronja #citrus #winterfruit #winter #grapefruittree #garden #gardening #gardener #nature #happy #plants #entrepreneur #landscaper #permaculture #foodforrest #fruit #fruittree #food #ediblelandscaping #la #losangeles #cali #california #gyo #nutrition #healthyfood #altadena

I actually prefer grapefruit to oranges.

@novicegardenlover its hard to choose a favorite citrus but mine is probably tangerines lol. Have you tried pomelos? If you like grapefruits you might like those

I googled that. Is the difference just the thicker skin? 'Cause if so, then we may have something similar here, all called grapefruit.

@novicegardenlover no its a seperate fruit. Grapefruit isnt a true fruit actually, its a pomelo crossed with a sweet orange. Its a hybrid. Try pomelos if you wver get the chance, i prefer to grapefruits but no trees here to buy, going to grow my own

I didn't know that. I will definitely try them if I see them.
My grapefruit tree is a blessing. It always is one of my best producers 🥰 #grapefruit #fruit #gyo #food #citrus
What on earth do you do with so many huge fruits?
Amazing. 😍😍
@emch i eat most of em lol 😆 sometimes juice but i like eating them more
@godfreye 😎✌
@hkyfvr 🥰