Capsicum annuum
Mid Autumn 2018
Late Summer 2018

I have been waiting for this plant to bloom or just do something else since June.. 😓😅😂 .. did I miss something? 😒🤔 Lol #plantid #planthelpplease

Is it 4 o clocks? @HoneyBeebs

@HoneyBeebs looks like a chile plant a pequine

I looked up both 4 O clocks and different Chile plants and it more resembles some type of Chile plant but I have no idea which one. 😕 I feel like I’ve been growing it for so long now especially since I’ve had them from seed... but they’ve given neither flowers, fruit, or anything other than those dark green leaves 😕 @tinaaune @hannahchristine

Moisture and temp fluctuations have a huge effect in flowering, also too much fertilizer in peppers will cause all growth and no flowers @HoneyBeebs

@HoneyBeebs it looks like my birds eye chili or chile piquin is it in sun or shade mines barly making flowers and chiles and how old is it I had mine in the shade nothing as soon as it got full sun it made flowers and chili

Well according to my camera reel, lol, as of June 20th they were just seedlings. When they outgrew their container I put them in the ground. They didn’t look that great and I wasn’t sure what they were or if they would continue to grow. But they did! And now that I’ve been watching it, it does seems to be in the shade most of the day except in the very late afternoon. It is all the way against my house (north-facing wall) next to my morning glories which don’t seem to mind the shade at all lol

@hannahchristine @tinaaune

As much sun as u can get with peppers! @HoneyBeebs 😁

Thank you I will keep that in mind! 😅😊 @tinaaune
Late Summer 2018

Whoa look at that spike on this caterpillar’s back!!! 😳😱😱 Does anyone know what kind this is/will be ? I will post clearer pics of this plant to try and determine what type of plant it is as well. Thanks, Garden Peeps! 💚😊🐛🦋🌿☀️☺️💚 #insectid #caterpillar #plantid #nomnomnom

Tomato hornworm. They will absolutely wreck the foliage on your plants and even kill them if they get outta hand! They will eat whole peppers and tomatoes! They do look so cool though!

Oh wow!.. thanks for letting me know! 😰 he’s in the same exact spot he was in yesterday 😕 lol #creepy 🐛👀 #badbug #icky @cyndi @ohhyouknow
So THIS finally happened 🙃🙄😎😆😁🌿🌶
@tinaaune @hannahchristine regular ole chilli pepper? ! 😅😂☺️
@HoneyBeebs thats so awesome
Yaaay! Mystery solved🤗🤗🤗