Geum 'Totally Tangerine'
Mid Spring 2020
Late Spring 2017

Ooh. Very nice 👍

Thanks @jendren
As always, this geum is putting on an amazing show. Best value for money EVER! Starts in late April and goes on well into Autumn (just keep dead-heading). 🧡🧡🧡 #orange #geum #avens #perennial
Stunning photo..🧡🧡🧡
What a star! Love geums!
@houseofflowers Catherine mine never flower for that long and I dead head them and feed them, so what am I doing wrong please 🤦♀️
@suerichards I literally do nothing so they must just like my clay soil and sunny spot. X
@suerichards I also think that this particular variety is longer flowering than others as the ones I have put in at school don’t go for so long.
@houseofflowers I am in Hertfordshire it’s all clay here. Fingers crossed for this year. 🤞
That's so pretty 😊😊🧡🧡🧡🧡