Clerodendrum trichotomum
Late Summer 2017
Mid Winter 2017

#flashbackfriday my Clerodendrum last summer really looking forward to seeing it coming into leaf as it's shape and form is every bit as beautiful as the flowers/ berries later on 💕

Is this a climber? Ive never seen this plant before. Lovely. 😊👍💕

No Sam @sambucussam it's a shrub / small tree it grows into a beautiful shape but worth being aware the berries are very toxic so I keep mine out front where my little Stanley dog can't help himself as he is apt to do 🐶

👍🐾 Thanks for info. Gonna look it up. 😃

No prob Sam , people often walk straight past it in the GC not realising what an amazing plant it is @sambucussam

👍😊 looks great.

It's fabulous. I think I'm in love Sam. 😍😍😍. @icedance

It really is very special Jane @pelly 🙂💕

I've just looked it up and it looks like it's too big for my garden unless it's the small one. 🤔🤔. @icedance

A garden I used to work in had a mature one at only 5ft high @pelly width can be controlled. Keeping mine in a pot for a few years , I know you have a beautiful little person 😊👶so advise caution re the berries

Thanks for being so thoughtful Sam. If I got one it would be at the back of my deepest border out of harm's way. I have several contenders for this particular space though and have yet to make up my mind which wins. 😊😊😊. @icedance

It's a nice quandary to have Jane @pelly who are the other contenders ?
This is the one ☝️ Double whammy here as it's also a #ponds dug out and executed this pond as well as my back 😱 a few years ago And fell head over heals with this Plant .. we saw one at #westgreenhouse yesterday looking stunning in flower 💕 @jacaranda @richard.spicer.7906
Beautiful 😊
Seems you had great moments over here. Gives Autumn look and a great place to be 😊
What a fab area it, I'd be there all day! 😍
I was pleased with how it turned out Caroline..and admit to enjoying my tea break there very much... it was a few years ago now and the owners of the garden have moved now ,so I hope the new ones can still enjoy it @cassie26
Oh yes, that's very nice 👌🏼 - I just reminded myself of it from your other pic showing the berries although I would never have remembered the name 😂
It's taken me ages to get the name to stick in my head Richard it's often "Clerodendrum trichy "something still 😂 my one is still diddy but has big dreams @richard.spicer.7906
😂😂 I think that might be my new name for it now!
There's a Clerodendrum Bungy something too 😂🤣 not as pretty as this one I think 💭 @richard.spicer.7906