Magnolia grandiflora 'Exmouth'
Mid Summer 2017
Late Autumn 2016

My #green comedy Magnolia grandiflora rescued from the sale bench 3 years ago .. struggled for a couple of years to establish .. gave it a stay of execution and was rewarded with spurt of top knot growth this year #rootsestablished #hurrah !!

Looks happy now 😊

Gladdened my heart to see it do this @melvynprentice this is a brilliant plant @ukjohnny had a beautiful flower this year and hoping for more next ...
Thanks Johnny this is the One previously known as the comedy magnolia 😂 it's so happy now 😃 finally got its roots sorted and put on loads of growth this year 👍 @ukjohnny
I've had my evergreen magnolia 6years now, still no flowers ! Just goggled and I read the average time till they flower is 10 years ☹️ yours is beautiful!
Thank you Lisa 😊I've waited a while for this was already a decent age I think but rescued it from the sad plant section and it's taken three years to even start putting on leaf growth .. finally seems happy now 🙂 yours will be worth waiting for and hopefully not too much longer 🤞 @lisa868
Fingers crossed for next year 😀
Will cross mine for you too 🤞 @lisa868