Pisum sativum var. saccharatum 'Delikett'
Sugar Snap Pea 'Delikett
- Mid Summer 2016
- 4
- 1
- Mid Summer 2016
- 15
- 5
- Mid Summer 2016
- 10
- 1
- Early Summer 2016
- 11
- 2
Pisum sativum var. saccharatum 'Delikett'
- Mid Summer 2016
- 4
- Mid Summer 2016
- 15
In the end I went to Tescos recycling and took bottles out. Looked like a proper bag lady no doubt, only with an expensive pedigree dog lmao Bloody pigeons would have had the lot by now without this protection, they are munching machines those pigeons
I got a gun air rifle that stops them
They ate most of my sprouting plants then the replacements they were queueing up with bibs and knife and fork not any more!!!!!!!!!
Good tip will definitely protect my young peas, beetroot
Good idea @IlsonRootsProject
- Mid Summer 2016
- 10
I wish I had had more plastic bottles to protect the sugar snap pea babies. Gosh, if you can't even be sure of planting in June any more!?!
- Early Summer 2016
- 11
Just planted these lovely babies out literally in time for that ridiculous rain. I'm gonna be amazed if they survived that onslaught intact !?!
What a clever idea!! I have 2 tyres that are meant to be getting turned into play spots for my little man but they are still empty 🙈
What's doing this? Birds ?