Help me identify this plant. This is a fabulous ground cover! Rampant but still manageable, purple green foliage with small pink strawberry like flowers. Does well in the shade and full sun. It's frost tender but recovers quickly in the spring. It spreads with runners but also grows from seed as it pops up everywhere! #plantid #groundcover #pink
Help me identify this plant. This is a fabulous ground cover! Rampant but still manageable, purple green foliage with small pink strawberry like flowers. Does well in the shade and full sun. It's frost tender but recovers quickly in the spring. It spreads with runners but also grows from seed as it pops up everywhere! #plantid #groundcover #pink
I have one of these as well and have not been able to identify it Maybe @tiggrx can
It looks like Persicaria capitata
Thanks @tiggrx You are a plant guru 💗
#persicaria #groundcover #spreads #rampant #shade #fullsun
Most common names include the word 'weed'!