Agapanthus 'Midnight Star' syn. Agapanthus 'Navy Blue'
African Lily 'Midnight Star'
Early Summer 2023
- 10
Mid Summer 2022
- 17
Early Summer 2022
- 7
Mid Summer 2020
- 4

Agapanthus 'Midnight Star' syn. Agapanthus 'Navy Blue'
Early Summer 2023
Mid Summer 2022

Morning all…seeing as I’m awake at silly o’clock, it seemed appropriate to post a picture of my very own midnight star! #agapanthus #blue #bestofaugust #ajaug22

Morning Angela. Very nice and very appropriate given the time you posted 👋😍

Morning Angela 😄 I was fast asleep then!!

It’s lovely. I hope you managed to get back to sleep 😴

Morning 💙

Good morning Angela I love agapanthus they are beautiful 🤗

Blimey, you were awake extremely early. Must have some. Is it right they prefer to be in a pot? @italydiva

Evening everyone 👋 I don’t normally have problems sleeping, not sure what was going on last night/this morning. I did eventually fall asleep around 2am but I’ve been in full zombie mode today. Hopefully normal service will be resumed after a good nights sleep 😅😂🤞 @flof1952 @hebelover @pelly @juliesgarden @godfreye @Cazx

Yes they actually prefer being in a pot and actually thrive when they’re pot bound. So they’re great in pots. All mine are in pots @Cazx

I had a feeling they did. Thanks! Well another shopping trip, oh dear lol @italydiva

Lol…always happy to help you spend your money!! 🛒 🪴 💵 @Cazx

Bless you lol 😂 @italydiva
Early Summer 2022

I’m assuming this is the correct one..just doesn’t look very “blue” 🤔 #agapanthus-blue #agapanthus #ajjuly22

It’s beautiful 🤩

It's beautiful so who cares 💙💙💙

I agree…the markings are beautiful…so who cares…not me! @juliesgarden @pelly

That's a gorgeous one 💙🤍💙

Very beautiful 💙🤍💙

Thank you Jason & Diane, I’m away for the week from tomorrow and hoping my poor pot plants will survive the heatwave! @hebelover @hkyfvr
Mid Summer 2020

Cataloguing #agapanthus #blue #purple #mirror #gardenmirror

Love your mirror 😃

Thank you so much Ange 😀 @anges

Morning all. Delighted to see the #agapanthus-flowerbud about to open. #agapanthus #agapanthusmidnightstar #ajjuly
Good morning Angela all ready to pop🤗
Morning Angela. Mine are the same, exciting isn't it 😍
Morning Enid 👋 Me too! 😂 @godfreye
Morning Jane 👋 Absolutely! The joys of gardening far outweigh the disappointments 😀 @pelly
Very true 🥰
No sign of mine yet
Nothing on a couple of my others Jason. Don’t think the other two in the smaller pots have bloomed ever despite having them a couple of years 🤷‍♀️ Have yours bloomed before? @hebelover
Yeah, every year, mine are in the ground though
Ahh, time yet then 🤞 @hebelover