Mid Autumn 2020
Early Autumn 2020

#aster #pink #autumn

Beautiful colours. 💜

Thank you...I only purchased this as a tiny plant in August, so I’m really pleased with how it’s come on. The colour is particularly lovely when everything else is going to sleep 😊 @aprilll @hkyfvr

You are very welcome. It is so nice to have colour at this time of year. 💜🍁🍁

Gorgeous 💖

Thanks Kerry 😊 @kez001uk
Early Autumn 2020

Spinning a new web #wildlifewednesday #aster #spider #spidersweb #pink

Sooo many webs about 🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸

Great photo 💗

The speed at which the spiders move is incredible too 🕷 @anges

Thank you Marilyn 😊 @lovemygarden65

Great picture 📷

Thanks Jason. I was taking a photo of the Aster when the spider suddenly dropped into the photo 🕷 @hebelover
Mid Summer 2020

Cataloguing- ‘Herbstgruss Dumosus Vom Bresserhoff’ variety #aster #pink

A very healthy plant 🌱

Yes...good old SGC....just in case you couldn’t guess!!!😉😂 @Cazx

Wow 😲 we love SGC, although I’ve not bought anything off them recently. Nothing took my fancy

This was part of an order most of which I haven’t catalogued yet. I probably won’t be ordering again for a little while. I need to turn my attention to the house now. It’s been ignored during all the lovely weather we’ve had! 😆 @Cazx

I know, I was doing the same. It got to be a bit of an obsession lol 😂 @italydiva

Tell me about it! I was beginning to think I needed to join a support group 😂 @Cazx
#aster and #viola #autumn #autumncolour #autumncolours #pink
That looks really pretty 🌸🌸🌸
Thanks Ange 😊 The violas are self seeded so are a nice surprise when they pop up too. So far they seem to be colour co-ordinated! @anges
Love violas for that 😀 Have you got #selfseeded foxgloves on the left aswell? 🌸
Ahh...well spotted! I was so busy rushing around I missed that! Not sure how?! 🙈 @anges
Free plants! 💜
Can’t beat free plants! 😃 @anges
They look fab in your lovely blue pot 💙💙💕💕
Thanks Chris...they’re definitely the brightest colours in the garden at the moment 🌸💙 @midnightgardener