Delphinium 'Excalibur Pure White'
Delphinium 'Excalibur Pure White'
- Early Summer 2021
- 31
- 12
- Early Summer 2021
- 29
- 9
- Early Summer 2021
- 25
- 9
- Late Spring 2021
- 26
- 4
- Early Spring 2021
- 22
- 4
Delphinium 'Excalibur Pure White'
- Early Summer 2021
- 31
- Early Summer 2021
- 29
So impressed with the lovely flowers on this monster delphinium 🤍💚 #delphinium #delphinium-excalibur-pure-white
It has a diaphanous look 👀 . White flowers always look extra special. I love this 🥰
So beautiful!💘😍
Oh wow those petals are like fabric made by nuns….😉😍
It really does Debra, it just looks so delicate and pretty. You’re right, there is something special about white flowers 🤍 @debs69
Thank you so much Shelley! @ShelleySnyder
😂 I think the nuns would have added starch to lessen the frivolity! The texture of the petals remind me of a fine cheesecloth 🤔😆@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Very welcome!💘😍
That’s what I meant….🤣👌🏼
- Early Summer 2021
- 25
At nearly 5.5 feet high, this delphinium has rather taken me by surprise! Just checked, apparently it can grow to 1.5 metres! 🤍😮#delphinium #delphinium-excalibur-pure-white
It was only about 7.5 cm tall when I planted it at the end of March. I thought the picture looked pretty but didn’t pay too much attention to the ultimate height Jason. Just as well it’s got a sturdy and tall magnolia tree as a companion! 😆 @hebelover
I brought 4 or 5 different ones last year, they were all slug fodder within a few days, didn't try again, had no idea they could get so tall, I really should pay more attention to the 'final size' 😂
So tall and very beautiful 😍😍😍
Great one 🤩
That’s a shame Jason. Lesson learnt for us both…pay attention! I think this variety is exceptionally tall. I shall need to stake it to the tree! 😂 @hebelover
It really is, thanks Jane 🤍💚🤍 @pelly
Thanks Phil 🤍💚🤍 @philstalder
- Late Spring 2021
- 26
My delphinium is starting to show promise. Just hope this weather doesn’t get the better of it 🤞 #delphinium #delphinium-excalibur-pure-white #juneblooms
It looks like it's going to be beautiful 💚💚💚
I only planted this as a tiny plant in March so I shall be interested to see how it does Jane 💚🤍💚🤍 @pelly
- Early Spring 2021
- 22
Cataloguing - planted 23.3.21 under magnolia tree. #delphinium
I have this, it was beautiful last year
First one for me Deborah. I’m quite excited. Hope I have as much success as you have. I read to get the stakes in early as they can be a problem with the fragile stems did you find it? @DeborahBanks
It was staked, it was pretty trouble free. Just flowered away, I think I cut it back and it reflowered again.
Still heading skyward #delphinium #delphinium-excalibur-pure-white #white
Beautiful, mine's only about a foot tall! New this year from Mozzers 😄🤍🤍🤍
Stairway to heaven 😊
This has turned out so much better than I ever expected. I think I shall have to invest in some more. I didn’t spot any in my local Morrisons…I shall have to keep my eyes open 👀 🤍🤍 @anges
It really is!! 🤍⬆️🤍⬆️ @zephyrwindsong
They don’t like my garden 😪 🤍👌🏼
That’s a shame Elaine. To be honest, I think this is a sheer fluke. It was an impulse buy from SGC and was titchy when it arrived. I never got round to planting it for quite some time so without much thought planted it in front of the magnolia tree. I think the tree keeps it well supported and as it’s an evergreen magnolia, well protected from the rain. More a case of good fortune than good management in this case! @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
I might have another go next year…I even had seeds and they failed too…🤷🏼‍♀️
Very pretty😃
Must admit I’m not good with seeds of any kind Elaine! Will keep my fingers crossed for you 🤞 Please let me know how you get on @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Thanks Kyle! 🤍 @cowdenkyle
Certainly will…👌🏼