Echeveria Lotus
Late Spring 2021
Mid Summer 2020

Devastated! Literally just bought this. It had the most perfect symmetry and form. Just put it outside, went inside for a couple of minutes, came back out to find it strewn over the patio with big lumps pecked out of it. Assuming it was a pigeon?! Anything I can do to help the plant recover i.e. keep it out of sun? #echeveria #echeveria-lotus #succulent #succulenthelp #help #advice #succulentadvice

Oh no! 😔 @angiecrazycatlady might be able to help, I don't know enough about these to advise you sorry. I'd be tempted to cut the ruined bits off but don't do that! Wait to get proper advice 🙂 @docthrill @savannahssucculentgarden may also be able to help you 💚

Thanks so much Ange...I was so delighted when I bought this. Couldn’t believe it when I saw what had happened. Gutted! 😔 @anges

I bet you are! Pigeons are a pain in the butt sometimes 😠 Somebody will know what to do, let me know how you get on 🙂

Oh, I know what to do Ange...I’m just looking up a recipe for pigeon pie! 😠😂 Will be sure to tag you in on any advice @anges

I've had this problem on my back porch for a long time! In my experience, the wounds scab over and heal on their own. I would just move it to a place where pigeons can't get to it to avoid further damage. 👍

Lmao at pigeon pie 🤣🤣🤣 Oh gosh, so sorry but that caught my eye and I can't stop laughing

Thank you so much for your feedback Savannah, very much appreciated. After the first attack I moved it right by my garden door which was open. Must have turned my back very briefly and it had another peckathon! It has really made a mess of it. I think I shall have to bring it indoors. I have other succulents nearby but fortunately it hasn’t bothered with them. Hope it doesn’t think the succulent cafe is now open for service! @savannahssucculentgarden @anges

Got to keep a sense of humour in times of pigeon adversity 😉😆 @jmlincoln

Thank you Alif. I wouldn’t have minded so much if the pigeon needed to eat it for survival but it just pecked chunks out of it and flung them about. 😠 @alif

That's odd, I get pigeons in my garden and they have never attacked my succulents, I would leave it outside if possible as they fo much better outside, but somewhere pigeon proof, as for the damage, itll heal and regrow, it just won't look as pretty🙄

I know I was really surprised. All my other succulents have been fine. It just seems to be his one! I will look to rig up some sort of pigeon proof arrangement. It’s such a shame as it’s form was perfectly symmetrical and so beautiful 😔 @angiecrazycatlady
After being pecked to death last year by a pigeon (swipe right to see the damage), this has now recovered sufficiently to be planted in the centre of my new succulent planter. Let’s hope the pigeon isn’t into re-enactments!! 😠 #succulent