Fatsia japonica 'Spider's Web'
Japanese Aralia 'Spider's Web'
Late Autumn 2022
- 12
Early Autumn 2022
- 10
Early Autumn 2022
- 9
Mid Summer 2022
- 15
Mid Spring 2022
- 4
Mid Spring 2022
- 5

Fatsia japonica 'Spider's Web'
Late Autumn 2022
Early Autumn 2022

Morning everyone, bit damp out there today! Pleased to see my first flower buds on my #fatsia You can definitely see it’s part of the Ivy family with these little buds #evergreen #variagated #fatsia-spiders-web #ajoct22

Morning 💚

Morning Angela .. love them 💚

Morning Angela, they're quite unusual buds 💛💛💛

Morning Is 😀👋 @islima

Morning Julie 😀👋 They’re quite cute. A bit like unripened raspberries @juliesgarden

Morning Jane 😀👋 They are aren’t they. I have an Ivy which produces very similar flower buds @pelly

Morning Angela….that’s a new one to me…😯

Morning 😄

Afternoon Elaine & Jason, it is a little bit different 🙂 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @hebelover
Early Autumn 2022

Morning all, hope you have a lovely day! #foliagefriday #fatsia #variagated #ajoct22

Morning.. love this 💚

Morning Julie, love the markings on this one. Some of the markings are very dark and not as delicate on the other leaves.

Beautiful markings 💚🤍💚

It’s so pretty…almost like a filigree lace @pelly


Wonderful markings!

Thank you Jason, it really is lovely to look at @hebelover

Thank you Richard. The markings are so intricate you can’t help but be drawn to it! @richard.spicer.7906
Mid Summer 2022

Sharing the much needed shade in this hot weather with our patio plants around the table #shadeloving #planters #fatsia-spiders-web #fatsia #acer #fern #ajaug22

Think these look fabulous in containers. Mine not quite as big yet

It’s a beauty 🤗

They are great aren’t they Jackie? I bought mine towards the end of April and it has grown so quickly. I’ve been very surprised. I’m sure yours won’t take long! 😀 @ajpool60gmailcom

Thank you Enid, I’ve really been delighted with how well it has grown particularly as it’s in a planter. Quite a big planter too…not sure how long before I’ll have to source a massive new planter!! @godfreye

Love this one 😍 Have the standard variety, it's over 8ft high and 6ft wide now, not in a container anymore though 😂

Wow! That’s some size Jason! They are great plants aren’t they? I’ve got mine in a square 37cm x 37cm planter (internal measurements). How long that will keep it happy I’m not sure?! When it needs a planting in the ground I’m going to have a big problem!!! 🫣 @hebelover

They do well in containers, the root ball isn't as massive as you might expect. Mine was in a 50cm pot for a few years, got to 5ft high, only went in the ground when we moved here. You can keep them pruned as low as you like, they just bush out more, just don't remove any lower leaves that you don't want rid of..they don't regrow

Love it 💚🤍

That’s good to know, thank you Jason…always grateful for any tips and info. Saves expensive and disappointing mistakes being made! 😀👍🏼 x @hebelover

Thank Julie, it certainly adds another layer of texture and contrast to this shady spot. The chairs are slowly being pushed out from this side of the table! 😂 @juliesgarden

Beautiful! 💘😍
Mid Spring 2022

Just repotted into new planter. Will be interested to see how big this grows. #fatsia #fatsia-spiders-web #evergreen #shade-loving #planter #variagated #foliage #ajmay

Big!! 🌳😁

That’s what I’m hoping Jason! 😂 @hebelover

Oops…my current planter won’t last long then!!! 😂 @mrleewarwick
Mid Spring 2022

New Fatsia Spiders Web to compliment one of my acers #fatsia #fatsia-spiders-web #acer #foliage #foliagefriday

They look fab together.

Oh I like that combination Angela 💗💚💗

Lovely combination 😍 aren’t those Fatsia leaves amazing!

@novicegardenlover @pelly @kez001uk Thank you ladies 😊 I love the leaves on both of these, they work so well together 🍁☘️
All the acers have finally shed their leaves but this #fatsia has still got plenty going on #fatsia-spiders-web #evergreen #variagated #ajnov22 #foliagefriday
Morning Angela .. so pretty 💚🤍
Such gorgeous foliage 😍😍😍
Very nice Angela 👌😯
Thank you ladies 😀 Keep warm and enjoy the sunny dry weather @juliesgarden @pelly @flof1952
Beautiful foliage Angela 💚🤍💚
Thank you so much and apologies for the late reply @gjones @hkyfvr
Always welcome Angela. No apologies necessary. 🥰
Hi Angela. Are you okay? I really miss your posts 😢😢 😘😘
Morning Barbara, so lovely to hear from you. I’m very well thank you. I’ve been really busy and sadly my poor garden has been left to its own devices. A major intervention is needed very soon! Thank you so much for your timely enquiry…I need to put gardening back in my diary and re-engage with all you lovely people! 🥰 Hope you are keeping well? 😘 x
Great to hear from you, Angela, and to know that you’re ok. My garden has also been left to its own devices recently so you’re not alone! Once the weather warms up a tad we’ll all be raring to go, so come on spring!!! 😘😘
I’m with you 💯% Barbara! Some warmer weather is just what we need. It will be nice to get back into gardening mode and see it all start to take shape again. Looking forward to seeing everyone’s garden springing back into life 🪴🌸🌼😀 x