This is a beauty. I've been put off ivy as two of my neighbours had them and they were invading my garden on all sides. The roots spread throughout my flowerbeds and they were so hard to clear to plant something else. I think I would grow one in a pot. A small one 🤣
Generally I avoid ivy for the very reasons you’ve just mentioned. We have no garden at the front of the house, the ivy forms a hedge which grows in a small raised border over a railing so fortunately it is contained @ublaszko
Cataloguing. So easy to overlook the ivy as it needs no nurturing, other than a good cutback in October #hedera #ivy #variagated #foliagefriday
I love the flowers on Ivy 💚💚💚
I like them too Ange, amazing how many insects they attract. More than any other plant I’ve ever encountered @anges
This is a beauty. I've been put off ivy as two of my neighbours had them and they were invading my garden on all sides. The roots spread throughout my flowerbeds and they were so hard to clear to plant something else. I think I would grow one in a pot. A small one 🤣
Generally I avoid ivy for the very reasons you’ve just mentioned. We have no garden at the front of the house, the ivy forms a hedge which grows in a small raised border over a railing so fortunately it is contained @ublaszko
Yes and the blackbirds love nesting in them too 😃
Not had any resident blackbirds....yet! 😆 @anges