Heuchera americana 'Paris' syn. Heuchera 'Paris'
Alumroot 'Paris'
Late Spring 2023
- 5
Mid Autumn 2020
- 15
Early Autumn 2020
- 10
Late Summer 2020
- 11
Late Summer 2020
- 11
Late Spring 2020
- 1

Heuchera americana 'Paris' syn. Heuchera 'Paris'
Late Spring 2023
Mid Autumn 2020

#bestofoctober #heuchera #heuchera-paris #autumn

So pretty 💕💕

Beautiful 🌸🌸🌸

Love these 💕

That's beautiful 💞💞💞😃

Wow magnifique. 🤩

Thank you @hkyfvr @pelly @lilybee @anges @philstalder This one was a new plant for me this year and it’s brought me so much pleasure. It’s really a great all rounder with its foliage and these amazing bright bell flowers 💕💞🌸

Always welcome. 👻💀🎃

Hi Angela, I hope you are ok? 🤔

Hi Jane, yes I’m okay thank you. Just having to deal with a few family issues which means I’m having to spend more time on non-gardening related matters. I will definitely be back on GT at some point. Thank you so much for asking. Hope you’re okay and keeping well? 😘🥰 x @pelly

Aww bless you, I hope it’s all sorted soon with a good outcome and you have time to enjoy your beautiful garden again. I’m very well thank you and busy decorating so not much gardening for me either. Stay safe 😘

Thanks Jane, you too 😘 x @pelly
Early Autumn 2020

#heuchera #heuchera-paris #pink #macro #closeup

What a pretty flower 🌸🌸🌸

Thanks Jane. I bought this as a small plant from SGC back in June. Can’t believe how well it’s done on both foliage and flowers. One of my current favourites 😊 x @pelly

Such gorgeous little flowers. I'm adding this to my wishlist! Actually it might be on there already 🤭 💕💕💕

You definitely won’t be disappointed with this one...it really is special. I’ve got it in a spot which is shaded for a good part of the day and it really has thrived 🌸🌸🌸 @anges

Oh that's good to know as I have quite a few shady spots 😃

Beautiful little flowers...

Lovely aren’t they....the pink is so vibrant against the dark stems @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

I have it in my front garden...it only flowers in spring/summer then I lose the light...perhaps I should move it...

only bought mine in June Elaine, so I’m not sure how it will perform in the Spring. It didn’t look great when I took delivery of it but has produced flowers since about the end of August. It gets weak afternoon sun (if there is any to be had...cough, cough 😉) but otherwise is in light shade most of the day. @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Late Summer 2020

My favourite heuchera #alumroot #heuchera #heucheraparis #heuchera-paris #foliage #foliagefriday #variagated #variagation

Great colors!

Thanks Ramona...I love the colours too 💚🤍❣️ @monaboghiu

Loved this one until the dreaded vine weevil killed mine 😢

Oh no! Vine weevils are an absolute nightmare. I’d be devastated if I lost this one. Do you think you might get another one? @lovemygarden65

@italydiva If I see one next year In GC will certainly buy it 👍

The contrast of the flowers against the foliage is gorgeous 😍 just got one of these so hoping it’ll look this good 😍

I only bought this in June Kerry, it’s really done amazingly well - swipe left to see what it looked like when I first got it. You wouldn’t think it was the same plant! I’m sure yours won’t disappoint. They really are fabulous 😀 @kez001uk

@italydiva oh wow 😯 looks amazing compared to the few leaves it had to start with 😍 mine has a lot to live up to now! 😂 do you have it in shade?

It’s in the shade most of the day Kerry, it just gets a little weak afternoon sun, if any. 😊 @kez001uk

@italydiva shade it is 😛 thanks Angela 😁
Late Summer 2020

#foliagefriday #heuchera #heuchera-paris #variagated #pink

That's 1 for the wishlist! 🙂

It’s gorgeous isn’t it Lin? I’ve been so pleased with it 😊 @linfoster

You won’t be disappointed Ange. If you swipe across you’ll see what it looked like in June. It’s come on a treat 😊 @anges

Oh yes it has done well 😀 I'm going to try and split/take cuttings of mine in Autumn, I love them for their year round colour 🙂

Good idea Ange, I might have a go too 😊 @anges

Do you find splitting or taking cuttings works best? @anges

Splitting them apart into smaller pieces will work - easier than cuttings. Just like dividing any perennial 🙂👍

Great...I’m new to propagation so will follow your recommendation and try splitting in the autumn. Thank you! 😘 @anges

https://www.gardenfocused.co.uk/plants/heuchera.php This explains everything! 😀👍

Fabulous! Thanks Ange! 😀 @anges
Late Spring 2020

Cataloguing #partialshade #coral #heuchera
Another heuchera #littlegem #heuchera #heuchera-paris #ajmay
Love the flower colours on this one 🌺
This particular heuchera definitely has the flower with most impact. Some can be quite wishy-washy and non-descript. Not this one…I love it 💕@hebelover
Oh they're gorgeous 💞💞💞
Thanks Jane…Lovely foliage and flowers, they’ve got it all 💕 @pelly