Well spotted Urszula! I bought quite a few plants from SGC over a month ago. I’ve only just got around to planting some of them today. Still more to plant, but that’s for another day 😂 @ublaszko
I bought two lots of plants from SGC. I still haven't planted a single one yet 😄😄😄 I've been unwell for 6 weeks and still recuperating. Hoping to start putting them in the ground at the weekend.
Thank you Angela 😊 I'm feeling much better than I did last week but need to be patient. Still lots of fatigue and nausea every day which makes it difficult to bend over to plant things.
Cataloguing #lavender Planted 25.2.21
This looks like a cheeky Secret Garden Club buy 😁
Well spotted Urszula! I bought quite a few plants from SGC over a month ago. I’ve only just got around to planting some of them today. Still more to plant, but that’s for another day 😂 @ublaszko
I bought two lots of plants from SGC. I still haven't planted a single one yet 😄😄😄 I've been unwell for 6 weeks and still recuperating. Hoping to start putting them in the ground at the weekend.
Sorry to hear you’ve not been well Urszula...hope you feel a lot better very soon 😘 x @ublaszko
Thank you Angela 😊 I'm feeling much better than I did last week but need to be patient. Still lots of fatigue and nausea every day which makes it difficult to bend over to plant things.
Glad you’re on the path to recovery. Your plants will wait...mine have! Use your downtime for planning and dreaming 🌱🌸🌿 🤔 💭 @ublaszko
My partner bought me a subscription to a garden magazine for Xmas so I've been reading that and drawing on the inspiration in the photos.
Perfect present...! 😀 🎁 🌱🌸 💝 @ublaszko