Nepeta x faassenii
Mid Spring 2023
Early Spring 2023

Trying to work with our ever changing climate, so have bought this hardy, fragrant, re-blooming drought tolerant perennial for under planting my Liquidamber standard tree - variety Cat’s Pajamas. This one is unusual in that it has masses of flowers all the way up the stem, not just at the tips. Can’t wait to see it established and filling the planter 💜 #nepeta #nepeta-catspajamas #catmint #drought-tolerant #hardy #fragrant #ajapril #companionplanting

Sam loves the Catmint...sometimes just a little too much 🐈‍⬛🤪

Aww, bless him! We don’t normally get cats in our garden Jason due to our canine patroller. Could be chaos!🐶🙀 @hebelover

So beautiful this one 💜

Thank you Is, I’m looking forward to seeing it fill the pot 💜 @islima
The Cats Pyjamas are already doing a great job under the gumball standard tree 💜 #nepeta #nepeta-catspajamas #ajmay
Very pretty 💜💜
Chose this as its drought tolerant just in case we get another hot summer…ever the optimist 😂 @juliesgarden
Good idea .. I’m trying to do the same, these big swings in temperature and rain are not good are they ?😏
It certainly makes it difficult to know what to buy for the best. What’s the odds we now get an ultra wet summer! 🙄 @juliesgarden
So pretty and colourful 💜💜💜
Very pleased with this one so far Jane 💜💜💜 @pelly
Sam's favourite 🐈‍⬛
I wonder how euphoric Sam would be once he saw Monty?! 🙀😾 @hebelover
😂 Oh Sam doesn't mind how big the prey is..or if it's a dog..he was chasing a full grown sheep in the field behind us the other day!!🐑🐈‍⬛
Is that the same as cat nip?