Paeonia lactiflora 'Bowl of Beauty'
Peony 'Bowl of Beauty' (Herbaceous)
Early Summer 2023
- 14
Late Spring 2023
- 25
Late Spring 2023
- 9
Late Spring 2023
- 7
Mid Spring 2023
- 13
Mid Spring 2023
- 15
Early Spring 2023
- 6
Early Summer 2022
- 14
Late Spring 2022
- 24
Late Spring 2022
- 22
Mid Spring 2022
- 5
Early Summer 2021
- 12
Early Summer 2021
- 5
Late Spring 2021
- 22
Late Spring 2021
- 10
Late Spring 2021
- 25
Late Spring 2021
- 12
Late Spring 2021
- 11
Late Spring 2021
- 18
Late Spring 2021
- 12
Late Spring 2021
- 12
Mid Spring 2021
- 17
Early Summer 2020
- 6
Late Spring 2020
- 5
Late Spring 2020
- 13
Late Spring 2020
- 7

Paeonia lactiflora 'Bowl of Beauty'
Early Summer 2023
Late Spring 2023

Raspberry ripple ice-cream anyone? 🍧 #juneblooms #peony #peony-bowl-of-beauty #upclose #closeup #macro #ajjune #peony-bowlofbeauty

What a beauty 🤗

I love these peonies Enid. If only they flowered all summer, that would be my idea of heaven 🥰 @godfreye

Still at least a week away here

Morning Angela…oh my , I’m in love, hope mines this good 🩷

Hopefully this hot sunny weather will spur yours on a bit Jason. Mine are south-facing with no shade whatsoever @hebelover

Morning again Julie, I’m sure it will be. They perform better with each year. I planted this one in May 2020. In its first year it had only three flowers. 53 buds this year! 💗 @juliesgarden

Isn’t it a beauty! And you’re right, it gets better every year. I’ve even successfully split mine, which you’re not supposed to be able to do 💞

That’s good to know Jaqueline. I have another which I need to move as it’s in the shade of an aquilegia and hasn’t produced any flowers. I may well have a go at splitting this one next October. It’s doing so well though I’m nervous I upset it! @awomanonabike

What a fabulous photo Angela 😍😍😍

It was when I tried to move it, for the same reason as you, that it split and I ended up with two: the one I couldn’t move and the new bit 🙄

So beautiful 😍😍😍
Late Spring 2023

Morning all, hope to catch up later today. So pleased to see things finally opening up. #peony #peony-bowlofbeauty #rose-emilybronte #ajjune #bestofjune

Morning Angela. How lovely is that 💞💞💞

Morning Angela … ohhh gorgeous 🩷🩷

Lovely sight….the bowl of beauty is a beauty 😏🩷🫶🏼

Charlotte is looking beautiful 🤣

A riot of pinkalicous 🌸🐝🌸

How lovely

Morning everyone…err….oops! Got my sisters mixed up, this one is Emily Bronte!! 🤦♀️ Still have to agree with your comment though Charlotte 😆 @pelly @juliesgarden @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @charlotte @debs69 @hebelover

Late Spring 2023

Good morning gorgeous, I’ve been waiting for you 🌸🌸🌸 #peony #firstbloom #peony-bowlofbeauty #ajjune #bestofjune

😲oh wow……

Just gorgeous 🩷💛🩷

Ohhhhhh 🩷🩷🩷🩷

The first one is always so exciting! 🌸🌸🌸 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @pelly @juliesgarden

Nowhere close on mine

This one popped open very quickly Jason, with all the sun you’ve been having hopefully yours will catch up very soon ☀️🤞 @hebelover
Mid Spring 2023

So excited…I’ve counted 50 buds on this peony 💗🤍💗🤍💗 #peony #peony-bowlofbeauty #buds #ajmay

Nice 👍🏻


Oh wow , ill@be lucky if I get 2 😂😂

Yay 🎉🎉🎉

It’s certainly made my weekend…so much to look forward to! @vegandmore @cee @juliesgarden @pelly

Has it not been a good year for your peony Julie or is it a very young one? @juliesgarden

This is the second one I’ve had that I bought from Farmer Gracy , Angela..first one was just pale pink, but yes it’s s young

I’ve just recently planted another variety of peony bought from Farmer Gracy too….no buds on that one this year for sure, or next I suspect. Still looks like rhubarb! 😂 @juliesgarden


Beautiful - I haven’t counted mine yet 🤞🤞🤞😍

Looks like it’s going to be a good year for them Shona 😀 @sho47
Mid Spring 2023

Morning hope you all have a lovely day #wildlifewednesday #peony #bud #peony-bowlofbeauty #ajmay

We’ll I won’t if I see any of these 😱😱🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️🤣

Morning Angela 🐝👋

Lol ! I’d much prefer ants….on the peony 🐜 @juliesgarden

Morning Jane 😀👋 @pelly

Thank you Angela ....great photo 👍😯🐝

Thanks Pauline 😊 @flof1952

Great picture

Thank you Jason….living in hope I can find a ladybird to photograph one day soon! 🐞 @hebelover

None here so far

I’ve had the odd one or two ants but they appear to have disappeared. Maybe they don’t like competing with a thumping great wasp! 🐝 @hebelover

I can't wait to see this. Mine is looking good too, getting ready for it's first season 💗💗💗💗
Early Spring 2023

The peony buds are in their way

Yay 🎉🎉🎉

After you alerted me to the fact that the buds will be hiding in the foliage, I had to check my peony out Jane! 😆 @pelly

I'll look in about a month's time then!!😂

I’m glad you found them 👍

Oh Jason!!! I guess we’ll all be envious of your blooms when ours have long gone! 😆 @hebelover
Early Summer 2022

Morning and apologies, another photo of this one…but will soon go over, so had to give it one last shot #peony #peony-bowlofbeauty #pink #cream #ajjune #bestofjune

Good morning Angela they are beautiful in the sunshine🤗

I’m not jealous lol .. soooo beautiful 🌸🌸

Morning 💖 No apologies needed, they look fantastic

Wow! That's fabulous 👌 👏 👍 😍

Morning Angela….I’ll give you permission to put them on as many times as you like 👌🏼😍😍🌸🌸

Keep them coming. So beautiful 💗

This is beautiful! 💘😍

Thank you all for your kind comments…and your forbearance! 😂 @godfreye @juliesgarden @hebelover @anges @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @hkyfvr @ShelleySnyder

Always welcome Angela 😊

Absolutely my pleasure Angela! 💘😍

Wow, that's a whole lot of beauties 😍😍😍
Late Spring 2022

Morning everyone, up close today #peony #peony-bowlofbeauty #bloom #pink #cream #yellow #up-close #macro #bestofjune #ajjune

Fantastic picture 📸

Stunning photo 😍😍😍😍

Thank you Deborah & Diane, it’s just so pretty the camera loves it 📷💕 @DeborahBanks @hkyfvr

Wow it really is a bowl of beauty 😍 gorgeous 🥰

It really is…it never fails to delight @Dragon_Warrior

Stunning photo Angela 📸 💗💛

Stunning picture

Wow! Just look at those colors! 💘😍

So very welcome. The colours are amazing 😍😍😍

Wow so gorgeous 😍

Thank you all so much, it really is such a beautiful bloom @pelly @hebelover @ShelleySnyder @vegandmore
Late Spring 2022

Morning everyone, the sun is out so hopefully we’re all in for a lovely day. Enjoy! 😊 #peony #peony-bowlofbeauty #roses #irises #ajjune #bestofjune

Morning Angela, it's a sunny one here too. Your Bowl of Beauty really is beautiful 🌸🌸🌸

Beautiful 🤗

Thank you Jane. I really hope yours is just settling in and finally comes true for you 🤞 Enjoy the sun ☀️ @pelly

Thank you Enid. I just love this peony, definitely one of my favourites 💕 @godfreye

Morning 🌸 Thats gorgeous

Beautiful 🌸 😍

Afternoon Jason…it reminds me of a raspberry ripple in a pink bowl 🍧 😆😋 @hebelover

Thanks Ange, hope you’re having a lovely day 😊 @anges

Oh thats lovely , i hope mine is like this when it opens 🌸

It never fails to delight Julie, I’m sure yours will be putting on a real show very soon too 🌸 @juliesgarden

Stunning flower. 💗
Mid Spring 2022

My first peony bud playing host to the ever enthusiastic ants 🐜 🐜🐜 #ants #wildlifewednesday #peony #bud #peony-bowlofbeauty #foliage #spring


I saw a few on one of my buds today. It’s always a good sign 👍 @italydiva

Probably the only time I’m genuinely pleased to see ants! 😆 @pelly

Me too 😂
Early Summer 2021

Four stages of flowering on the peony today #peony #peony-bowlofbeauty #peony-bowl-of-beauty #pink

Love peony's.

They’re lovely aren’t they Lucy…just a shame the flowers don’t last longer @topiarytragedy

So lovely 💞💞💞

Yes I wish they'd last longer too Angela @italydiva .

Thank you Jane 💗💗 @pelly


Simply lovely! 💕🤍💕

Thank you ladies, not an unusual variety but beautiful all the same 💗🌸 @juliesgarden @anges

So very pretty 💗💕

Thank Diane, I just love this one 💗💗 @hkyfvr

Always welcome Angela 💗
Early Summer 2021

Still going strong. 15 flowers in total on this one shrub this year. Some have gone over, some in bloom and some buds yet to open 💗💗 #peony #peony-bowlofbeauty #peony-bowl-of-beauty #pink

She's done very well for you this year! 💞 And has become an instant favorite of mine!

Thank you Jackie. She has done really well this year, she’s quite amazed me if I’m honest and is a firm favourite of mine too 💗💗 @jmlincoln


Thank you Phyl 💗 @phyl1978
Late Spring 2021

Apologies, I know I’ve posted quite a few photos of these peonies but I just want to capture them before they go over 🌸 #peony #peonies #peony-bowl-of-beauty #peony-bowlofbeauty #bestofjune #bestof2021 #juneblooms

Don't apologise - you should have a canvas print made of them 🌸🌸🌸

Just a shame I’ve got my great big fist in the photo! 🙄😆 @anges

Never apologize. They are so lovely and brighten up my day. 💕💗🤍


Aww, thank you Diane 🌸 @hkyfvr

You have a fabulous display there 💕


Thank you Debra, I shall miss them terribly when they go over, they have been simply amazing @debs69

I had one flower on mine 🤣 but it was a bonus, I planted it a few years ago and it just made an appearance this year 🤔

After being in a pot for a couple of years I planted this one in the garden early last year. It produced 3 flowers last year, this year it has eighteen buds. It might just surprise you next year. @debs69

Thank you Emma 💕 @OldMansBeard
Late Spring 2021

Little Dottie chasing Monty around the garden gives some perspective in terms of the size of these peonies. I can’t get over the size of them! #peony #peony-bowlofbeauty #peony-bowl-of-beauty #petsofgardentags #petsofgt #petsofgtags #dog #fursday

Wow. Absolutely gorgeous 💗💗💕🤍

They're wonderful! #bestof2021 💕💕💕

Definitely a bowl of beauty😍

Absolutely stunning 💕💕💕

Thank you so much! They really are quite amazing 🌸🤩 @hkyfvr @anges @cowdenkyle @pelly

Wow 😍

Amazing 🤩

Wow!! They're amazing. Are they in full sun Angela? I've got one and think I need to move it as it's over-shadowed by a large shrub 💕💕💕

Evening Chris! Yes it gets full sun all day. Might be worth moving yours if it’s being overshadowed. Let me know how you get on with it 🤞 @midnightgardener
Late Spring 2021

Absolutely blown away by the performance of this peony this year. Still got another nine buds to open 😍💕🌸 #peony #peony-bowlofbeauty #peony-bowl-of-beauty #pink #mondaymotivation #bestofjune

Beautiful 🤗

Fabulous 😄

Floriferous 💗

Never seen so many open at the same time 😲 beyond beautiful 💓🤍💓

Stunning Angela 💕💕💕

beautiful Angela 😍

Stunning Angela! I'm going to buy one of these! 💖

Amazing peonies. Wow 💗💖

Wow I love it…🥰


Oh my!! 😍 I love them!!
Late Spring 2021

#close-up #up-close #macro #peony #peony-bowl-of-beauty #peony-bowlofbeauty #frilly #colourcombo #natures-own-colour-combo

Beautiful shot 🌸🌸🌸

Gorgeous 💗

Absolutely stunning colours Angela. 👍😍😍

Love it.

Wow wow wow 😍😍😍

Thank you so much ladies 🌸🌸🌸 @pelly @debs69 @hkyfvr @kelsey92 @ublaszko

Beautiful 💖🌸💖

Fantastic picture 📷👌

Most welcome 🌸

Thank you Ange, I was really taken with the flush of delicate colouring @anges

Thanks Jason, it was just too pretty not to take a photograph 📷 @hebelover
Late Spring 2021

Finally fully open…they never disappoint 💕🌸🌸 #peony #peony-bowl-of-beauty #peony-bowlofbeauty #pink

Mine are facing the wrong way. I’m going to Wade through the garden to prop them the other way today and hopefully get a picture. They are too lovely not to look at.

Beautiful shot and one of those #acenames

Wow those are amazing 🤩

Such gorgeousness!💘😍

You are so right…too pretty not to be able to enjoy them at their best. Hope you’ve been able to persuade them to show themselves to their full advantage Deborah 🌸🌸 @DeborahBanks

Thank you so much Susan and you’re absolutely right, it’s a great name! 🌸🌸 @novicegardenlover

Thank you so much Phil and Shelley. I just love these 🌸💕🌸💕 @philstalder @ShelleySnyder

My pleasure Angela!💘😍

No where close to opening here yet

Hopefully yours won’t be too long. Mine went from tight buds to blooms much more quickly than I was expecting. Hopefully this hot sunny weather will do the trick Jason 🤞 @hebelover
Late Spring 2021

From 3 buds to fifteen this year! Seems it’s going to be a good year for peonies 🌸 #peony #peonies #peony-bowlofbeauty #peony-bowl-of-beauty #pink

Beautiful 😍

That’s done really well 💕💕💕

It has Jane. It looks like we’re both having a bumper year with our peonies 😀🌸 @pelly

I started one early this year from a bare root from out of a bag from walmart.

Amazing, what an increase in super pink blooms 💕💕💕💕

Must admit I love this so much I bought a root in a bag earlier this year too. It’s got foliage but no buds. I suspect I may have to wait until next year for that one. Good luck with yours Kelsey. Look forward to seeing it bloom 🌸🌸🌸 @kelsey92

Thank you Chris…I’m so delighted! 🌸🌸🌸 @midnightgardener

I will post it. I started it in a 6 inch pot in my greenhouse.

My mum and dad have some of these, they're beautiful 💞💞💞

You should get one Ange…family tradition! 🌸💕 @anges

Look forward to seeing it Kelsey 👍🏼 @kelsey92
Late Spring 2021

Here she comes….my first peony of the season 🌸 #peony #peony-bowlofbeauty #peony-bowl-of-beauty

Fabulous Angela. I'm watching my first one waiting for it to open 💞💞💞

Sure it won’t be too long Jane, such pretty flowers, I never get tired of seeing them in flower 🌸

It's so pretty. I have to make room for a Peony

It’s definitely worth finding room for Emma, you won’t regret it. It really is beautiful ! 💕 @OldMansBeard

It really is, the colours are gorgeous 😍

Beautiful 💕💕💓💓

Incase it’s of interest Emma I bought a root/tuber in a bag from Wilko’s earlier this year as I wanted another one. It’s growing nicely, plenty of foliage but no buds yet. I suspect I may have to wait until next year. Thought I’d mention it though as Wilko’s offer good value for money of you don’t want to buy a more mature plant 😊 @OldMansBeard

Beautiful! 💞💞💞

Thank you Ange 💕 @anges

Perfect 🌸

Thank you. I do love these 💕 @hebelover
Late Spring 2021

Morning everyone 👋 Another lovely warm day. Forecast was supposed to be for rain but looks like it’s changed it’s mind 😀 Last year I had three flowers on this peony, so far I’ve counted fifteen buds! Is it normal to have four buds on one stem or am I supposed to cut some off? Just thinking about the weight? 🌸🌸🌸 #peony #peony-bowlofbeauty #peony-bowl-of-beauty

Morning Angela, that's going to be stunning! I use supports under mine because they can get top heavy 💖🤩

Believe it or not, I have got a support under there but it’s rather taken me by surprise this year…I need to get a taller one! @anges

My Bowl of Beauty is going to flower for the first time this year, it's got five buds 😍🌸😍

It’ll be worth the wait Jane, the flowers are so beautiful 🌸💕😍 @pelly

Oh 😆 I don't know if you should cut the buds off or not - I wouldn't as I'd prefer lots of flowers but that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do 😃

Gonna look gorgeous 😍 A few buds on mine, 1st time it's flowered since moving it, need to stake them badly though **add to list for today 😄

This is a lovely variety. They can be weighty though as you said, hopefully it will be ok if it doesn’t rain!

Have to admit I prefer lots of blooms too Ange. I think I’d rather just put extra stakes in. I shall be doing exactly the same today as you today Jason! @ange @hebelover

Thanks Richard. I’ve added extra staking to my “to do” list for today! 👍🏼 @richard.spicer.7906

Morning Angela...that’s the problem with peonies, top heavy but they’re still gorgeous 💗

I love them Elaine. I’ll happily just keep adding extra stakes just so long as I can enjoy their fabulous flowers 🌸 🌸 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Mid Spring 2021

I’ve counted ten buds on this peony compared to only three last year. Glad to see the ants are as interested as I am! 🐜 🐜 👏👏 #peony #peony-bowl-of-beauty #ants #wildlifewednesday

Oops! A bit ahead of myself! Just realised it’s only Tuesday!! 🙄

I think mine has five, not as far advanced as yours, but it will be the first time it has flowered. I'm so looking forward to seeing it 🌸🌸🌸

Five is a good showing for its first time in bloom Jane. Mine only had 3 last year and that was in its second year. Definitely worth the wait though. Well worth the #dressinggownwander to see these beauties 🌸🌸🤩 @pelly

Still a bit cold for a dressing gown wander for me - so don’t know how many buds mine has 🤔😂😂😂😂

Nothing else for it Sharon, you need to buy yourself a warmer dressing gown! 😂😂 @sharonhayden

😂😂😂😂- I’ve got a full length velour one as it is!!!

Time to double up! 😆😂 @sharonhayden

Yes, it surprised me a bit, nicely though 🌸

Man up Sharon 😂😂😂 @sharonhayden

😮😆😂 @pelly @sharonhayden

Great close up! 🐜🐜🐜
Early Summer 2020

Third and final bloom this year #peony #bowlofbeauty

I really love that one...💗🤍💗

Thanks Elaine 💖🤍@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Gawjus I think this has to be my favourite variety love it even though I don't have it 💖

Its name suits it very well 👌🏻

It really does Jackie! Sounds as though you need one in your garden Keely 😊 @Keely @jmlincoln
Late Spring 2020

Clever girl...snuggling up to the stake head in her battle against the wind #peonies #bowlofbeauty

It’s lovely....💓

Beautiful 🌸

Do love a frilly bloom 💕

Thank you, this is one of my favourites. So glad she made it through the bad weather 😊 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @lovemygarden65 @Keely
Late Spring 2020

Been waiting patiently for this little beauty...first bloom opening this morning with another two buds to follow #peony #pink

Wow. She is very beautiful 😍

Thank you Queru 😊 @queruqui

Gorgeous! 💕💕💕

Thanks Ange 😊 @anges

That's beautiful 💞

Wow, stunning flower 💗🤍

Thank you...always think my plants look better closer up (can’t see weeds in lawn)! 😂 @Keely @solly1961


Luminous colour, amazing

Thanks Aly @thehardygardener

Glorious 💖
Late Spring 2020

My peony getting a little help from the ants #wildlifewednesday

They eat the nectar, they won't damage the buds 👍

Thanks Jane...after posting the pic I went on line to look up the ants and Peony relationship. I’ve changed my comments 😆 All is forgiven dear ants 🐜 🐜 yourselves. Enjoy! @pelly

It's about the only time I like ants, at least it keeps them away from the doorstep 😂

Very true! My attitude towards them has been tainted by my many run-ins with them whilst working in the borders. You do your best to avoid them but there’s always at least one that gets the better of you! Ouch! 😣 @Pelli

I'm not a big fan, they are aphid farmers. Spread those little green devils from plant to plant to harvest later

Love it on here. Every day is a school day. I’ve just gone right off the ants again!! 😠 @solly1961
My final peony of the year #macro #peony #peony-bowlofbeauty #upclose #closeup #ajjuly
Gorgeous 💛🩷
They’ve done so well this year Elaine. I’m always sorry when they finally finish 💗💛💗 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
That’s a fabulous photo, Angela! 🥰
Mine haven’t been outstanding this year just the same only a foot taller….😏
Thank you Barbara 💗💛💗 @jacaranda
Strange how they all vary in performance Elaine. I’m half expecting mine to have ‘peaked’ and to be disappointed next year. It can’t always delight I guess but maybe that’s just me being overly pessimistic! 🙄😆 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
😁 Fabulous
The centre always reminds me of coral on the ocean bed when it looks like this 🪸 @hebelover
Does look like it 🩷
The heavy rain ruined my pom-poms Angela there was nothing I could do with them after that….my sword dance were the best even though they had less flowers than last year…..I think two are in the wrong place but I just wouldn’t know where to put them……🫤
I was lucky with the heavy rain. Moving plants isn’t always easy. I have one that really should be moved. It hasn’t bloomed at all these past two years but I’m not sure where I can put it either. Just wondering if it’s worth trying in a large pot? 🤔 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom