Late Summer 2020
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Mid Summer 2020
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Early Summer 2020
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Late Spring 2020
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Sedum album 'Green Ice'
Late Summer 2020
Mid Summer 2020

Update - at the end of May I posted a photo of this sedum, it was very small and there was some debate as to its variety. Thought I’d post again now it’s grown a bit more @angiecrazycatlady @soph1e Any thoughts please? #succulentsunday PlantID #succulentid #sedum

Still not sure, it does look similar to my jelly bean, but would expect to see some red on it by now, unless it's in the shade 🤔

It does get a little sun but not a lot Angie. It does look like a jelly bean though doesn’t it? I’m wondering if it’s a sedum green jelly bean? It did have a tiny pink flush on the tip of one of them but that disappeared. Maybe as you say it’s a jelly bean but just not getting enough sun. Thank you....hope your leg is healing okay and you’re feeling a bit better 😊 @angiecrazycatlady

Try taking a cutting and putting it in the sun, legs healing nicely thank you 😁

What a good why didn’t I think of that! Thank you. Will let you know how I get on. Glad to hear your legs getting better. 😊 @angiecrazycatlady

It looks similar to mine without the pink tips so you could be right with jelly bean green 🤔

Yes, it will be interesting to see what happens when I put a cutting in the sun. I may already have the sedum I want! 😆 @pelly


Which one do you mean with jelly bean? I'm not very good with common names, sorry 🙈😅 It looks like Sedum album to me 😊

Hi Natalie, I was thinking possibly Sedum Pachyphyllum but having looked up Sedum Album, you could be right, thank you 😊 I’ve yet to take a cutting and put it in the sun. Will hopefully do that over next few days. Will be interesting to see if there’s any change in tip colour, then we’ll know for sure. Thanks so much @natii

I'm 100% sure this is S. album. It's a lovely plant and the bees will go nuts for it when it flowers. S. pachyphyllum and S. rubrotinctum are longer, thicker and curvier than these delicate little beans.

Thanks Sophie! It’s great to finally have a positive ID 👌 Thank you so much for all your help @Soph1e @natii @angiecrazycatlady @pelly 😀
Early Summer 2020

Any idea what’s been eating this succulent please? Could it be ants which I’ve seen in the vicinity? Btw the ID for this says Jelly Bean but may or may not be...have been waiting for it to mature 🤔 #succulent #help #succulent-id-help #sedum

Not sure what’s been nibbling 😬

Whatever it is @debs69 it seems to have acquired a taste for it! 😟

Rotters whoever they are @italydiva 👹
Late Spring 2020

Just recently planted quite a few succulents in a rockery, but sadly none came with identifying labels. Could any of you help please? #succulentsunday #succulent #rockery #jellybeansedum

Maybe a sedum. @Soph1e, can you help? #succulentid

Looks like a jelly bean sedum, it will turn bright red in the sun, it tender so bring it in during winter

Jelly Bean Sedum...what a great name! Can’t wait to see it change colour. Will make sure I bring it in before any frosts. Thanks for the advice 👍 😊 @angiecrazycatlady

I think this could be Sedum hispanicum, partly because I've never seen a jelly bean sedum this green. Even when they haven't had much sun, they tend to have a faintly pink tint. If it's S. hispanicum, it should be fully hardy as long as it's in free draining compost.

Thanks, will check this out @Soph1e 😊

@Soph1e you could well be right, your good at naming them, my jelly bean was bright green when I got it, its now red, but looking at this again the "beans" are a little smaller 😊

I’ve noticed the odd pink leaf. I’ll give it a bit of time and see what happens and will post further pictures @angiecrazycatlady @Soph1e 🤔

@angiecrazycatlady my variegated jelly beans were pretty tiny, so who knows - either of us could be right lol @italydiva looking forward to the update, hopefully we'll get you a conclusive ID!
#sedum #sedum-greenice #succulent