Companion planting to attract the right kinds of bugs! 😆 I underplant with different flowering plants that are pollinators favourites to entice hoverfly whose larvae devour soft-bodied bugs. Include umbelliferous flowers like parsley or wild carrot as ladybirds also love them. Parasitic wasps (look like ants with wings) also are great predatory insects.
How do you all control bugs on your roses?
If it’s greenfly , I just squish them James
Companion planting to attract the right kinds of bugs! 😆 I underplant with different flowering plants that are pollinators favourites to entice hoverfly whose larvae devour soft-bodied bugs. Include umbelliferous flowers like parsley or wild carrot as ladybirds also love them. Parasitic wasps (look like ants with wings) also are great predatory insects.