Ipomoea Alba
Tropical White Morning Glory
Mid Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Ipomoea Alba
Mid Summer 2017
Mid Summer 2017

❤❤❤11 blooms tonight ❤❤❤😆
Mid Summer 2017

It has started it's seeds!! Will be collecting and sharing!!

Mid Summer 2017

Ok last picture of my fav! But this is to show how crazy they get ,mind you start from seed. I wanted to fill this in . And as you can see it has(more then usual)

@janelleabella beautiful!! How tall is your datura? 👍👍💘😍

Almost 2 feet @ShelleySnyder

@janelleabella how tall will it get? The brugs get to be 5ft. To 8ft.😲

The tallest I had was about waist high so 3-4ft that was the tallest and about 4 ft wide but it was round before. I was gonna thin it out but there are buds everywhere! Lol

@janelleabella oh yea! Let it grow the blooms are so worth it!! Does this come back next summer for you?💘😍

Yes usually, but once after having if for a few years it didn't
Mid Summer 2017

❤❤so happy there the 4 blooms at once! O missed as I just got home(3am) pulled up to a heavenly scent☺ sleep well my friends.

Are they Poisonous ?

@mehul22 yes if consumed.

It is also known as Devil's Trumpet. 🎺.And in hindi language we call it "Datura".

Yes your right @mehul22 .

@mehul22 what does datura mean In Hindi?

It means Intoxication , Numbness.

OMG!! I bet that was exciting! I love surprises..hehe!! These r Beautiful ❣😍

Did u know there was a Lavender/White Flower for this too?

@mehul22 Thxs for the info. I've been reading up on this beauty and hadn't run across this info yet. Now I'll add that to my knowledge of it.😁👍

You're Welcome ! @Acetaker

Sorry @mehul22 I had to go to sleep . @Acetaker I knew some and learned more from mehul22. Yes of course you'll get seeds. It's going crazy in my back garden. ❤❤
Mid Summer 2017

Love love watching them slowly opening!! I swear they shake as they are❤❤

I can't wait till mine get flowers!💐

I love the way these start to open too! Looking as a 🌟 verses a circle, as on the ones I have. I see where one is moon and other is trumpet..lol!😁😊😂😍 The names this goes by is crazy,which I'm sure u know,but they r: #devilstrumpet #jimsonweed #hellsbells #datura #devilseeed #thornapple (I guess from fragrance) What do u think they smell like? Plz..keep me in mind for seeds. I have a few spots I could place this to enjoy it and frag. while sitting outside...I'm just in Love with it...hehe!😍

(Cont) Janelle 😊I just read that the name thorn apple: is derived from Datura (Dhatura,which in Hindu,means thorn apple) The #sphinx and #hawkmoths visit it as well for pollenating. Sorry I'm sure u had read info on it but found it quite amazing with it being similar to the Tropical Morning Glory. These also go by: #locoweed (I'd say due to the hallucinating traits it has) #moonlily #indianapple and #tolguacha I'll stop going on about this beauty 😍 Hope U Have A Good Day!❣
Mid Summer 2017

Love ❤❤ ❤ ❤ all the stages of this flower

I can and know where the seeds are @jennlamaye you'll get some when they start coming 😁

I can't wait to plant mine. I just bought a few packets of seeds from Walmart!

@veepaisal is it the vine? Or bush? ,I've never seen the seeds for the bush before. I have the vine it's growing with my morning Glory but no flowers or buds yet

I think it's the vine type not bush.

Ok @veepaisal then it more along the line of a morning Glory ( best example I can come up with)

Ok but Let the #tropicalmorningglory or called the #moonflower Mine are blooming and Smell So Good! Soon where each flower bloomed the pods will dry and seeds will form. Last yr with our move I lost all my seeds but 1 and was hoping for more so it could fill this out But,not done growing yet..hehe❣

@janelleabella yes it is more like morning glory. @Acetaker I have morning glories in my window box but have not tried moonflower. Sad that it's an annual here and not perennial hehe

Yes,it's a annual here but gives great seed pods for making new ones in spring. @janelleabella it's a tropical and night blooming annual. I feel in Love with it 2 yrs ago. My nieghbor had it and was kind enough to share.

Yes I first got one when I bought my house 14 years ago. My uncle that lived in New Mexico said they are weeds there and grow all over. They can get huge! Like a hydrangea. It's a dantura family. It's one of my top favorite flowers I love them. Has some sentimental thoughts also ❤❤ @Acetaker @veepaisal the two are so opposite one a morning flower one a night flower. I also have the moon flower vine I have it with the morning Glory. It's hast blossomed yet...

Do u have your Moonflower vine with morning glories,in the sun? I have mine in where it can get morning sun(about 3hrs) and the rest is filtered and it loves moist free draining soil. I had it in a pot last yr at the apt and it was out growing it...lol!

@Acetaker both are in full sun. And my moon(bush) can tolerate drought I do let it thrive once on a while.
Early Summer 2017

Getting a little out of control but I love it!! Have some moving on a day off 😍🙌😁😡💪🚜
Early Summer 2017

And here she is no disappointment this season!!🙌👍❤ @travelgirl25

Beautiful!! @janelleabella I'm glad you got to see it!

@travelgirl25 it made my day❤🙌❤

Like this @ShelleySnyder lol

@janelleabella THAT IS INSIDE OF IT!!! 😂😂😂 mine are still hangy so later I'll get one!!👍💘😍
Early Summer 2017


Very pretty, nice glow to pic, is that a special effect? Really cool😎!

@jeanbean56 no must of been the sun , camera or ??... Lol my all time favorite flower❤❤😁

Or "Moon" glow?? Very pretty swirl in the middle too!!

It was still light out, an no 🌒 up yet. @jeanbean56

@janelleabella aliens?👽👾

@ShelleySnyder I was hoping more towards 👻 and spirits!! Maybe my father or bf ..
Early Summer 2017

Not sure what kind of Moon flower ?
Early Summer 2017

First boom!! Heavenly scent!❤😁
Early Summer 2017

Buds!!! A day or two❤❤

So @ShelleySnyder what is mine??

@janelleabella I think you have a Datura not a brugmansia, they are pretty much the same except the flower on your's faces up instead of down, they are treated and grown the same💘😍

@ShelleySnyder I'll get it right some day. I like the way those grow
Early Summer 2017

Yeaaa blooms!!!#favorite flower#love the fragrance#love watching itsbloom
Very pretty! Bet it attracts lots of moths! Are the flowers open in the daytime? How long do they bloom?
They open at dust and usually last 2 days. I sidnt notice if thw moths enjoyed it. @treefrog44