Lupinus 'The Pages'
Lupin 'The Pages'
Late Spring 2016
- 8
Late Spring 2016
- 10
Late Spring 2016
- 3
Late Spring 2016
- 2
Mid Spring 2016
- 15

Lupinus 'The Pages'
Late Spring 2016
Late Spring 2016

I've got these , they don't seem to be doing that great compared to the others which are huge , how have yours done @janric ? 🤔🤔

The colour really stands out. Nice 😀

Love the colour

Looks like red jelly beans 😄


Yes Judy @plants I suppose it does, Lupins that could pick & eat 😋 now there's a thought😂

Wow gorgeous colour :)

Never seen this colour before gorgeous

Thank you @christineb @clickchick & Joanwaters

Perfection ☺
Late Spring 2016

Beautiful 💕😍💕

Lupins were a popular choice at Chelsea this year, must try growing one if I can find a spot in the garden! Love these colours

Stunning :)
Late Spring 2016

😍 #bestinshow

Ahh... thank you @potholegardener
Mid Spring 2016

Good Morning... this is one of my latest purchase, looking forward to it flowering soon

@janric So tis mid spring late spring or early summer now then? I'm very confused lol

Will be lovely Jan, @ Janric it is still mid Spring @

See above @IlsonRootsProject

Mid spring it is @llsonRootsProject👍🏻

Ooo that looks healthy 😊 I was given some lupin seeds two years ago , I put them in a safe place 😆😆😆 found them last month wasn't sure it they would grow but the have and soooooo easy..will post some pics of them later 😊

Mine just won't wake up. No sign of any this yr 😕

Iv also bought lupins again this year and cant wait for them to flower as they are my favorite .I really hope that next year they come back .We lost them all last year nothing has grown back .wondering what i did wrong

Sorry to hear that @judrop @amanda.leigh our winter wasn't so bad but we did have a lot of rain earlier in the year perhaps this was the cause😞

Hi @Hut123456789 Zoe I bought this as a small plant around a month ago and it's doing very well the rain we have had has helped I do have a south facing too

We have a north facing garden but they are planted on the west of the area but we don't seem to be getting consistent sun or rain if that makes sense also I find they grow better if planted in mar/apr rather than like my pages was planted may , never mind hopefully things will improve as we have some sun on its way ( hopefully lol ) @janric 😘😘🌷🌺🐝

Fingers x all will be good @Hut123456789
Wonderful! A towering inferno! 😀
😂👍🏻 Thank you Ian @bigemrg
Very striking .
Wow loving the red 😍
I want it!😘👒
Morning That's a really good strong colour love it 👍🏻
Looks like red jelly beans
Beautiful red !