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Profile Image Jason Forsythe


Horticulture is God's gift to me. It is my escape from the things that would otherwise take a toll on life. It has taught me so many lessons.

Bixa Orellana

  • Season Icon Late AutumnLate Autumn 2017
  • Like Count 22

The achiote tree, botanically known as Bixa orellana, provides the source for annatto. It prefers loamy soil in tropical conditions at low elevations, and can range in height from almost shrub-like to a full grown tree. Achiote has heart-shaped, green leaves and rose-pink to white, five-petaled flowers. When the tree fruits, the pulp around the fruit can be processed to make the extract, and the seeds are preserved for use in cooking. The trees have been used in food for centuries by Latin Ameri


#bixa #achiote #annatto
