After about 2 weeks place them on a wet paper towel, then place another wet paper towel on top of them put them in a Tupperware container with the top loosely applied....
In about 2 weeks you should see roots spouting when you lift the top paper towel, then transplant into a good soil mix and keep it warm and out if direct sunlight during its fragile seedling stage.
Congratulations! So, I have some Fuji Apple seeds just dried and waiting to get started. You seed to have the answer! How do I go about it?
The seeds have to be stratified for about 2 weeks prior to germinating, just put them in a container and place them in your fridge
After about 2 weeks place them on a wet paper towel, then place another wet paper towel on top of them put them in a Tupperware container with the top loosely applied....
Keep the paper towels fairly wet, check about every 3 days. Make sure your container isn't in direct sunlight, and make sure it is sweating inside.
In about 2 weeks you should see roots spouting when you lift the top paper towel, then transplant into a good soil mix and keep it warm and out if direct sunlight during its fragile seedling stage.