Early Summer 2020
- 9
Late Spring 2020
- 8
Late Spring 2020
- 14
Early Spring 2020
- 1
Late Winter 2020
- 0

Early Summer 2020
Late Spring 2020

I bet that smells amazing Jayne 😀😍

Yes its lovely Sarah 😊 @sieveheadsarah

Wow! A showstopper 😊

Thanks Martin 😊 @dreggennedd

Wow, scent must be amazing

It is Mark 😊 @solly1961

Beautiful! I’m very jealous Jayne, mine never flower☹️🤔

Morning Pam, I had one in my old garden that didn't well at all @tiger123
Late Spring 2020

Wow Jayne, extra smashing. Do you know what kind it is. I’ve seen lots of different kinds here in Southern California but never one like that. 😀

Hi Phil these were already here when we moved in last year, there are 2 together, one slightly later than the other, I don't know the type @philstalder

The best kind. Oh well. Your garden is so amazingly beautiful. I love seeing it. Keep up the good work. Cheers.

Oh I really appreciate that, Thanks so much Phil 😊 @philstalder

Lush, nice thick foliage and plenty of flowers, I'm hoping mine fill out like that..

Yours will fill out Mark @solly1961

Beautiful Jayne 🤗

Morning Enid Thankyou 😊 @godfreye

#pink 😀

It's looking a beautiful one 😍

They both are lovely Jeffers 😊 @jeatacake

Oooh lovely 😊😊💕💕
Early Spring 2020

Hey need your brain Jane look at my feed I can’t do it I have no WiFi for the forceable future call all us Gters to get everyone’s brains in gear let’s get GT gardeners to work together - roll out my Calling Card idea for everyone xxxxx might get people noticing there surroundings on there daily walks 💡🤫😘
Late Winter 2020
Lovely Jayne some much needed brightness xx
Thanks Carole, indeed xx @carolecuttingitfine
Thanks Annette @laketitlow
Can smell it from here!
Its lovely Jack 😊 @burgessa
Looks like a beautiful and interesting flower. Can just imagine the fragrance
That’s a great photo. Really dramatic
Thanks Nic 😊 @jendren