Rosa 'Auscrystal' syn. Rosa 'James Galway'
Rose 'James Galway' (Shrub)
Late Summer 2020
- 1
Late Summer 2020
- 6
Mid Summer 2020
- 3
Early Summer 2020
- 7
Early Summer 2020
- 7
Early Summer 2020
- 8
Late Spring 2020
- 16
Late Spring 2020
- 12
Early Spring 2020
- 9
Early Winter 2019
- 9
Early Autumn 2019
- 12
Late Summer 2019
- 4
Late Summer 2019
- 8
Mid Summer 2019
- 7
Early Summer 2019
- 4
Late Spring 2019
- 8
Late Spring 2019
- 18
Late Spring 2019
- 4

Rosa 'Auscrystal' syn. Rosa 'James Galway'
Late Summer 2020
Late Summer 2020


Beautiful Jayne 🤗

Thanks Enid 😃 @godfreye

It's been lovely this year, Thanks Katy @gjones

Beautiful 💕💕

Its a stunner
Mid Summer 2020

💕 beautifully formed Jayne

It's a lovely one Rich @richard.spicer.7906

Very pretty 💕💕💕💕
Early Summer 2020

So beautiful

Thankyou Akshat 😊

#frameworthy 💗

Thanks Elaine 😊 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Beauty 💗

Thanks Mark 😊 @solly1961

Really Beautiful 💕💕💕💕
Early Summer 2020

Wow those are lovely and graceful. 😍

Thanks Phil, it's a lovely rose 😊 @philstalder

Your welcome. 😊

Beautiful! 💞

Glorious 💕

So pretty 😍😍😍

So many blooms on this too Katy, so pleased with it @gjones
Early Summer 2020

Is that real. Lol. So beautiful Jayne. 😍

😂 Yes it is Phil, Thankyou @philstalder

Thanks Katy 😊 @gjones


Thanks Angela 😊 @italydiva


Thanks Elaine, it's a beauty @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Late Spring 2020

So beautiful 😀 #amazing #beautiful #prettypink #gorgeous #stunning #pink #rose

Thankyou Akshat 😁 @akshat

Your welcome 😊

Wow that's beautiful look at all those petals 💞

It's a lovely one Keels, got it from GWL 🌸 @Keely

Absolutely beautiful 😍 high petal count 😍

Thanks Sherri 😊 @sherrisgarden

You're welcome 😀

Another stunner. I’m speechless. 🤩🤩🤩

Thanks Phil 😊 @philstalder

Thanks Jayne, I’m jealous of your garden and I don’t have a jealous bone in my body. Lol 🤩

Yours is lovely too. Thankyou. I tagged you in my garden video @philstalder
Late Spring 2020

Beautiful 😃

Thankyou Akshat 🌸 @akshat


What a beauty! 💓

Thanks Dan, you need one 😁 @dan5584

Stunner 💗

It’s on the list 🤣

Thanks Mark 😊 @solly1961

That's why its next to where we are building our new seating area Gazza, fab tunes, beats turning the wireless on 😁 @scaryskates

Beautiful 🥰

Thanks Sue 🌸 @suerichards

It's really lovely Katy 🌸 @gjones
Early Spring 2020

Fabulous colours...😘

Couldn't believe it Elaine, never seen such vivid colour on a Roses foliage 😘 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

The foliage is beautiful 😍

Really lovely isn't it Sarah 😀 @sieveheadsarah


Thanks Vivien 😀 @sadieberg

I don’t know what it is maybe it’s the amount of water they got which would have got right to the roots...but I’m not complaining 😉

That looks great already even without blooms. Can't wait to see it with though ♥️♥️😊😊

Me neither Chris, Thankyou @midnightgardener
Early Winter 2019


Stunning Jayney 💖

Thanks me Rachel, can't wait to see my roses again 😘 @rachelbrooks

Me too Jayney! Although I still have a couple in flower!

You've done really well, don't think I have any left, mind you not been out much, too cold or wet or both 🙄😘 @rachelbrooks

Not quite the same is it lovely?! So soggy here...I can’t walk across the grass without squelching. The grass, not me 😆😘

I surprised we aren't all squelching with the amount of rain we've had 😄😘 @rachelbrooks

It's amazing looks like thousands of petals are there is this rose

Just got it this year Akshat, it was lovely 😊 @akshat
Early Autumn 2019

Love it Jayne 😍😍😍

Thanks JP 😊 @jpea

WOW !! 😍😍


Very pretty rose...💗

Thanks Elaine 😊 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Stunning 💗💗💗

Thanks Kerry 😊 @kez001uk

Thanks Katy 😊 @gjones


Wow, that's perfection Jayney 💖

Thanks Jeffers got it at GWL in June 😊 @jeatacake
Late Summer 2019

OMGosh look at the high petal count !! Beautiful 😍😍

A few aren't there Sherri, second flowering for this 😊 @sherrisgarden


Thanks Sharon 😊 @sharonhayden
Late Summer 2019

Thanks Katy 😊 @gjones

Confiscated Scary, too noisy 😁 @scaryskates

So beautiful 😃💕

Thanks Shona, got this at Gardeners World in June, this is its 2nd flowering 😊 @sho47

Just luvverly 💕

Thankyou me Rachel, have a fab day 😘 @rachelbrooks

You too lovely! 😘

Gorgeous flowers in your garden!
Mid Summer 2019


Absolutely stunning....💗💗

Soooo many petals 💕🌸💕 beautiful

Wow 💕💞💕

Very pretty !! Looks like a high petal count. 😍😍

Lots of petals Sherry. Thankyou @sherrisgarden

You're welcome
Early Summer 2019

Gawjus 💕💕💕

Beautiful shrub rose

So many petals! 💕💕💕

Late Spring 2019

Yes it's lovely Katy, got it at Gardeners World Live last Friday 😊 @gjones

Lovely, thought it was sexy Rexy at first 💗

Thanks Elaine, no not Rexy 😂 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Just 💕💕💕

Flutetastic! 💗 ♫🌹

😂😂 Nutter 😘 @bandicoot

Yep 😄

Ohh 💕💖😆
Late Spring 2019


That's lovely, did you get it at GWL? Sorry I didn't see You, my father in law died the day before, I encouraged Sofie to still go but as you can imagine we were still feeling sad so we got there early and left at 2pm 😊

Aw sorry Ang, we left about 2 as well. Yes got this rose and 2 others 😊 @angiecrazycatlady

Thanks Cyndi 😊 @cyndi

Gorgeous Jayne 😍

Love the crinkly edges 🌸💕

Thanks Mel 😊 @greenfinger14

Its lovely Rachel, just hope the rain stays away things are getting spoilt 🙄 @rachelbrooks

I feel your pain! Hoovered the whole garden on Tuesday...not sure why I bothered...the lawn is covered in rose petals again now! 🙈

It's so upsetting my Mum in a Million is suffering a bit as are lot of other things, I didnt get out for 3 days, it was constant 🙄 @rachelbrooks

They’ll bounce back chicken 👍🏼😘

Hope so 😢 @rachelbrooks
Late Spring 2019

@rachelbrooks Whos fault do you think it is that I am loving Roses again can you think 🤔 😂 @rachelbrooks

Ummm...🤔 is this a trick question? 🙊😉 well how can ya not Jayney?! 😍🌹😘

😂 You're right you have to 😘 @rachelbrooks

I am and I do! 🤭😉🤣😆😘
Beautiful 🥰