Trollius chinensis 'Golden Queen'
Globeflower 'Golden Queen'
Early Summer 2020
- 7
Late Spring 2020
- 5
Late Spring 2020
- 3
Late Spring 2020
- 4
Late Spring 2019
- 2
Late Summer 2018
- 2
Early Summer 2018
- 5
Late Spring 2018
- 11

Trollius chinensis 'Golden Queen'
Early Summer 2020
Late Spring 2020

Wow, what's that..👌

Globe flower Golden Queen @bks

Thanks Katy 😊 @gjones

#bestofjune 💛💛

Thanks Cori 😊 @matewe
Late Spring 2020

Love these Jayne ....mine are about to flower too 👌🙂💛

I love them to Pauline, smaller flowers so far though, looking forward to seeing yours 😊 @flof1952

No they don't like it do they Katy @gjones
Late Spring 2020

Yes they are lovely Katy @gjones

How big is that Jayne...💛

About 30" Elaine @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Late Spring 2019

They dont seem to like direct sunlight, when I first moved I put it in and last week after the warm weather had to move it Katy @gjones

I would Katy @gjones
Late Summer 2018

Second flowering 😀

I Really like them Katy, they had them at the Gardeners World Live Show we went to in June @gjones
Early Summer 2018

Jayney’s flower! ☺️💛

This is the last flower Rachel, it was only small 😢😘 @rachelbrooks


Aww but perfectly formed 👌🏼☺️

Wow, .. reach (ing) for the sky..!
Late Spring 2018

I've never seen one before !! Very pretty

Thanks Sherri, I just got this the end of last year 😊 @sherrisgarden

I need to do some research and find out if they're available here in USA

Let me know how you get on Sherri 😊 @sherrisgarden

Will do. Thanks for the post..

Love this 💛

Awe love these mine died well never returned 💛💛💛

Got this end of last summer Keely, it's in a pot and got through winter 😊 @Keely

Yay !!! @jaynehynesburton they are available over here. I'll be on a mission now !! To find one.

Oh that's great Sherri, post some pictures when you get one 😊 @sherrisgarden

This was much lighter when it first came up, it's just got very orange @gjones
Great photo!
Thanks Mary 😊 @cmmt
Spectacular 🧡
Thanks Dan 😊 @dan5584
I love the flower. Don’t know it, but I presume, that some just don’t grown in sunny Queensland??great picture
They don't like a lot of sun Tessa @tessafox-veling