Late Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2017

This is gorgeous 😍

Thanks @SikoMa & @gjones Yes it is cleome. Seeds were from Thailand. Only these 2 have flowered so far.


Lovely. Mine aren't in flower yet 💕

Thanks @vec Looks like these will be my only 2 to flower. The others look a bit sickly.

I love these!! I planted some and they didn't come up 😞 I used to get so many compliments and asking what are those strange looking things.

It's my first time with them & only these 2 have got to flowering stage 😕 @janelleabella

Awe but better then non right? @jeatacake

Absolutely @janelleabella I'm happy enough to get just the 2 😊
That’s gorgeous 💕💕💕
Thanks Marilyn 😘 @lovemygarden65
Great shot Jeff 💜💜
Thank you Jane @pelly 👍💕
There she is my favorite!!! I hope later this year I can send back the same pic, only from my yard!!!
Terri, thank you & I am sure you will @terrimclaughlin
That would certainly be an interesting experiment, maybe with any surplus seeds. Only thing would be weed seedlings coming up, apart from ones you're familiar with, but could be fun 👍😊🌸😀 @cyndi
Worth a try, but not a lot you can do with weed seeds already there, but sounds interesting 👍
@jeatacake I’m excited to try these from seed this year!
I only got 2 to reach flowering stage last year, but will be trying them again. I saw a lot flowering very well in the much more favourable weather of Kansas last year, so hopefully they will do well for you @jennlamaye 👍😊
@jeatacake I got potentially two different kinds last night from the seed swap. I’ll send you some! 💕