18/4/2020 Dave, these are the shoots on mine today. Too early to tell if it'll flower. My other "regular" one is a good week or more ahead & that's not showing flower buds yet @davewrightjoinerygooglemail.co
If it's got plenty of shoots it'll be fine 👍 Once the buds show a bit of green, they gallope away & seem to double in size each day now @davewrightjoinerygooglemail.co
7/5/2024 @davewrightjoinerygooglemail.co Dave, it's only finally gone & flowered! How's yours doing?
🤣🤣 I was going to send you the same pic Jeff. Mine has aswell, not lots, but best it's been yet. Only a 4 year wait 🤣🤣
It's got about 10 flower shoots on it. More than I expected for a first flowering & earlier than my other laburnum 👍 Worth the wait? Only just! 🤔