Just rediscovered this rose hiding in the corner at the back of the greenhouse. It's a cutting I took from my old house over 3 years ago. I'd completely forgotten about it until I spotted it about an hour ago. Now potted up & awaiting a better spot to plant it out again 😊
Just rediscovered this rose hiding in the corner at the back of the greenhouse. It's a cutting I took from my old house over 3 years ago. I'd completely forgotten about it until I spotted it about an hour ago. Now potted up & awaiting a better spot to plant it out again 😊
Gorgeous Jeff 😀
Oh maaaaaan... That's gorgeous🍭🍭🍭
Oooo its gorgeous.... fancy forgetting that one lol 😂
Thank you @jaynehynesburton @sikoMa & @joolzd1970 It was just a twig when I moved & I had 101 other plants to think about, never mind the house! 😁
Beautiful 💗💗💗
Cheers @Keely 👍
Thats gorgeous Jeff
@dee3 I think it was "raspberry ripple" & Google pics do look similar
Cheers @vinny100
It's beautiful, good job you found it 😊😊😊
You've got me there Dee. I really don't know. Sorry @dee3