Beta Vulgaris 'Boltardy'
Beetroot 'Boltardy'
Early Autumn 2023
- 6
Early Summer 2023
- 7
Mid Summer 2020
- 7
Mid Spring 2020
- 7
Early Summer 2018
- 4
Early Summer 2018
- 2
Mid Spring 2018
- 5
Early Spring 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2017
- 2
Late Winter 2017
- 2

Beta Vulgaris 'Boltardy'
Early Autumn 2023
Early Summer 2023

First beets of the year 💜

Great veg Nicola….👍🏼



Wow lovely 😊 mine are very slow this year

Some of the other beets are slow too @vegandmore

Wow, wish I had your knack, my beetroot seedlings are puny 😂
Mid Summer 2020

Boltardy and Mixed beetroot from seeds. Here beginnith the first pickling 😂 #gyo

Excellent! 😳

Don’t think I’ve seen any other colour...🤔

I’ve got white ones too Elaine. My friend gave me a packet of mixed seeds. I’m struggling with eating anything not dark red 🤣. @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

I think I would too...🤔

I’ll let you know! @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Delicious fresh from the garden🤗
Mid Spring 2020

Well there is mini and there is mini! I ordered these beetroot plugs from Thompson and Morgan back in march and then cancelled them on the 10th of April as The ones I had grown from seed turned out okay. However I now have 48 beetroot plug plants I suppose I better find a home for them. 🤯

Whoops 😂😂😂

#gyo #beetroot

Can see beetroot cake on the horizon 😆

A long way on the horizon looking at the size of these Keely 😂 @Keely

Lol 48 things to do with beetroot 😂🤣😂

All suggestions gratefully received Sue @suerichards 😄
Early Summer 2018

First proper crop. Loads more to come!

Wow. Puts mine to shame. Growing them for the first time this year. And in pots. How do you know when they are ready to pick?

Yes I’ve roasted them in double layer foil. Don’t peel at this stage Leave some tops and roots on to stop them bleeding. I’m going to peel and quarter them and roast with garlic thyme and olive oil today. Charlotte - you know they are ready when you can see the beet above the soil. Anything from a golf ball size is good to pick. @charlotte @LyndaClack

Oh thanks Nicola . Great cooking advice too. Last time I roasted shop bought beetroot it looked like there had been a massacre!!! @jendren
Early Summer 2018

Looks like the first beetroot from the raised bed is almost ready! #gyo

Yum 😋
Mid Spring 2018

@charlotte @carolecuttingitfine Last year grown in a pot. Small but perfectly formed - just like me 😂

😂😂😂😂. Wow. Ok I will definitely persevere.

Bootiful beetroot! 😊

Wow great shape...and the beetroot looks great too..😉

I wish Elaine! Trying to avoid fitting room mirrors 😱 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Early Spring 2018

Third set of Beetroot seeds germinated over Easter in my office. The others were very poor. Let’s hope I have more luck with these.
Mid Summer 2017
Late Winter 2017

Beetroot and sunflower seedlings popping up - only planted last Tuesday.

Brilliant I bet you’re delighted
This monster beetroot had been hiding under the calendula plants. Hope it’s not tough!
Yum. I love mine roasted.
That’s huge but I fear it might be woody by now
I’ve cooked it and the others I picked today and I’m pleased to say they are all fine. Even the monster! @charlotte @vegandmore
Yay. I was sure it would be tasty
That’s good 👍🏻