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I've always had a garden. I enjoy a challenge! I love the rewards when it all comes together. And I learn something new nearly every day. Perfect 🌻
I’ve had mixed results from these bulbs bought in Lidl. But at 10 for £1.49 you can’t complain. Maybe they will do better next year. 💜
This arrived in my garden last year, a gift from a bird I assume, and it only had one spike, this year it had six. Hopefully yours will be the same 💜👍
That’s what I’m hoping for Jane 🤞🏻 @pelly
@pelly that’s amazing. I’ve had mine several years with no increase in numbers
Oh, I wonder why that is Joan? Mine is in full sun for most of the day and certainly seems to like it @joanboston 💜💜
You have the magic touch Jane @pelly
😂😂 that makes a change Joan @joanboston
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I’ve had mixed results from these bulbs bought in Lidl. But at 10 for £1.49 you can’t complain. Maybe they will do better next year. 💜
This arrived in my garden last year, a gift from a bird I assume, and it only had one spike, this year it had six. Hopefully yours will be the same 💜👍
That’s what I’m hoping for Jane 🤞🏻 @pelly
@pelly that’s amazing. I’ve had mine several years with no increase in numbers
Oh, I wonder why that is Joan? Mine is in full sun for most of the day and certainly seems to like it @joanboston 💜💜
You have the magic touch Jane @pelly
😂😂 that makes a change Joan @joanboston