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I've always had a garden. I enjoy a challenge! I love the rewards when it all comes together. And I learn something new nearly every day. Perfect 🌻
First Pink Fir Apple potato harvest. Spot the Mickey Mouse potato at the top of the trug 😂
Awww 🤣🤣
Harvested some spuds for dinner tonight. Pentland Javelin and Pink Fir Apple. Lots of teeny ones but to be expected after all that heat. Still, I doubt there will be any left later 😂
If there are any left I am happy to help you out !!
Come on over!! @charlotte
Grabbing my coat and wellies right now !!!
You’ll need them. We had a months worth of rain yesterday and it is still raining ☔️. That said I was surprised how dry the spud bags were @charlotte
I like the little ones better 😍😍
Do you know we were discussing that very thing Jane and all agreed we like them better too! They were lovely and white but better with butter 😋 @pelly
Definitely butter 😍😍
They look good🤗
They were Enid. 😆 @godfreye
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First Pink Fir Apple potato harvest. Spot the Mickey Mouse potato at the top of the trug 😂
Awww 🤣🤣