Agastache rugosa 'Golden Jubilee'
Agastache 'Golden Jubilee'
Early Spring 2018
- 6
Early Spring 2018
- 4
Late Winter 2018
- 8
Late Winter 2018
- 1
Late Winter 2018
- 3
Late Autumn 2017
- 6
Mid Autumn 2017
- 3

Agastache rugosa 'Golden Jubilee'
Early Spring 2018
Early Spring 2018

#agastache #seedlings potted up 💕 #seeds were gifted by @daisy-jane

They're coming on great Hun 😘👍

@daisy-jane 💕

I'm going to have to sow some myself lol..just gotta find more room in the greenhouse 😁👍
Late Winter 2018

#agastache #seedlings 💕 #seeds from @daisy-jane

Yay sproutlings 💃💃💃 I'm so happy they've came up for you Jenn 😁👍👍

Just looked this one up, love the colour of it. Hope it grows up well 👍🏼

@daisy-jane how are all yours doing?

@richard.spicer.7906 I love trying new things! I can't recall what half of the flowers are going to look like... I got soooo many seeds from everywhere! 💕

Mine are doing good Jenn,just noticed today I have my first lantana seedling.. woohoo,still have so many to get started,doing another 7 trays in the greenhouse tomorrow morning and going to have a good sort through my seeds 😘😁👍

You do??!! 😁 Lantana are my ultimate favorite! And hard to grow! My cuttings seem to be doing well, but I only got two seeds to germinate from a lantana bunch. Nice job!! Can you tag me in any greenhouse pics? @daisy-jane

I certainly do hun,it's so exciting lifting that propagator lid and seeing sproutlings isn't it 😁 I didn't know they were hard to grow so that's a bonus I atleast have 1 baby so far,it's down to the lovely Cyndi @cyndi for sharing some of her seeds with me that I've had the chance to try them,glad to hear your cuttings are doing well too and I'll take a pic and tag you in it 😁😘👍
Late Winter 2018

#agastache #seedlings 💕#grownfromseed #leafidreference #leafid
Late Winter 2018

#agastache #seedlings #grownfromseed from @daisy-jane 💕

Woohoo 💃💃💃 so happy they've sprouted for you Jenn 😍😁👍

This one s such a beautiful plant @jennlamaye
Late Autumn 2017

#agastache 💕 #cataloguing #seeds #seedexchange #seedsaving #seedidreference #seedid #reference #macro #macroseed #ingodwetrust #jennseeds2018


Sow indoors mid-February to mid-March for transplanting in May, or direct sow in autumn. Optimal soil temperature: 12°C (55°F). #sowindoors Feb. 15th

Just cover the seeds, and keep moist in a sterile seed starting mix. When no risk of frost is left, transplant outdoors to containers or at 30cm (12″) spacing in the garden.

Plants grown from seed will take two years to bloom.

#jennplanted180221 #seeds
Mid Autumn 2017

#agastache #rugosa #golden #jubilee #yellow #cataloguing #seedexchange #giftfromdaisy-jane #sharingiscaring #jennseeds2018

Sow indoors mid-February to mid-March for transplanting in May, or direct sow in autumn. Optimal soil temperature: 12°C (55°F).

#sowindoors February 15th
#agastache #seedling 💕 #seeds gifted by @daisy-jane
Love how the seedlings are bright green like parent plants 🌱💚🌱💚
Do you have a pic of the flowers @daisy-jane
I do Hun,I'll have a look through my pic's quick 😊
Thank you @daisy-jane ❤️
Your very welcome Hun 😘👍