Amaranthus caudatus
Mid Summer 2018
- 6
Mid Summer 2018
- 3
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 6
Early Spring 2018
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 3
Mid Winter 2018
- 1
Mid Winter 2018
- 2

Amaranthus caudatus
Mid Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2018

#loveliesbleeding fell over. It was as tall as me 😳 All from one seed this year! So crazy! 💕 #grownfromseed @cyndi


Late Spring 2018

#amaranth #loveliesbleeding
Early Spring 2018

#amaranth #loveliesbleeding #seedling 💕 3 weeks old

@KariSamuel do you want seeds?

I think you might have sent some? I'm not as organized as you have been with all your #seedfairy work! But, yes, I would love some if you have them! 😚

@KariSamuel can you send me a reminder email? And fire away at anything else you've seen that you'd like. I have quite the surplus right now. Germination rates have been awesome! 😁

@cyndi check too! I got this one late so you might not have it. And same thing, email me a reminder and anything else you want me to look for. ❤️

@cyndi I was just thinking the same thing of myself. 😳
Early Spring 2018

#amaranth #loveliesbleeding #seedling 💕 #seeds from the nature center's #seedswap
Early Spring 2018

#amaranth #loveliesbleeding #seedling 💕

I’m really happy mine came out too gifted from @columbiariver there so cool looking. Like I said most of mine from you Jenn are coming up good. I’ll have to take some pics Thxs sooo much I’ll have a lot of color in my yard😊💕

@columbiariver thank you so much! I was hoping it would help someone! (More than likely, me next year out in the garden. Lol)
Mid Winter 2018

#amaranth #loveliesbleeding #reference #notmypicture #google
Mid Winter 2018

#loveliesbleeding #amaranth ❤️ #cataloguing #seedswap #flower #seeds #jennseeds2018

If planting outdoors, sow Amaranth seeds after the soil has begun to warm in the spring. We recommend an indoor start, six to eight weeks before the last frost in your area. Sow seeds early in the season and cover lightly with soil. Space seeds or seedlings 10-12" apart.
I bet some people would love hair this color. 😉💕 #loveliesbleeding #amaranth-loveliesbleedingranth
I would love seeds from this! 😍
I love these plants so much. Yours look fantastic 😍
@KariSamuel I keep inspecting it. Once I figure out what the seeds look like, you got it!
@kez001uk thank you! This was a new one to me. I have plans for some nice spots in the garden next year. I had no idea it would grow so big!
@jennlamaye I have mine in pots so they don’t grow anywhere near as well as yours have but seen a few on here and they can get so big! They’re incredibly pretty though, never disappoint 😍