Briza maxima
Big quaking grass
Late Winter 2018
- 1
Late Winter 2018
- 4
Late Autumn 2017
- 2
Mid Autumn 2017
- 17

Briza maxima
Late Winter 2018
Late Winter 2018

#brizamaxima #seedlings #grownfromseed from @daisy-jane 💕

Yay more sproutlings 💃💃💃 brilliant Jenn 😘👍

I'm so excited!! @daisy-jane How tall do these get?

Aw fab Hun,I had some get to around 60cm 😊👍
Late Autumn 2017

#briza #maxima #grass 💕 #cataloguing #seeds #seedexchange #seedsaving #seedidreference #seedid #reference #macro #macroseed #ingodwetrust #jennseeds2018

#jennplanted180221 #seeds
Mid Autumn 2017

#Briza #maxima #quaking #grass #green #cataloguing #seedexchange #giftfromdaisy-jane #sharingiscaring #jennseeds2018

@daisy-jane do you think these need to be stratified?

I've never needed to stratify them Jenn,I just popped them in the ground,I gave some to Jeremy @jpea and Jane @pelly and I think Jeremy put some straight out in the ground and some in pots and Jane used pots to and they were successful that way,im not sure if you'd have to stratify them but they should be ok sown outside or in pots 😊👍

As Jane @daisy-jane said, I put a fair few directly into the soil and some into a seed tray in my greenhouse. The former have survived but are relatively small though apparently quite hardy. The second have now been potted up and most sit in my coldframe, they are notably bigger and further on than those I planted in the soil. Mine are smaller than Jane's @pelly as they were late germinating bit looking good to be planted out in March. Hope this helps

Thanks Jeremy @jpea 😊👍👍

I didn’t stratify mine, they just went straight into pots as Jane @daisy-jane said Jenn @jennlamaye 👍👍

Thank you so much @jpea @daisy-jane @pelly 💕

You’re welcome @jennlamaye 👍👍

Briza maxima: Large quaking grassThis is an annual that reaches up to three feet (90cm) in height. It blooms in the summer carrying pale green spearheads. These plants are grown as an ornamental grass and look very attractive as part of a floral arrangement. As an annual it is important not to move the plant, so if starting inside be sure to use peat pots. @llamadrama

Thanks hinny @pelly 😘😘

Your welcome Jenn,I never think to put any growing instructions on the seed packets 🙄 sorry bout that Hun 😘😘
#brizamaxima #seedling #grownfromseed #reference