Sago Palm
Early Spring 2018
- 2
Early Spring 2018
- 5
Late Winter 2018
- 1
Early Winter 2017
- 5
Late Summer 2017
- 7

Early Spring 2018
Early Spring 2018

#sagopalm #seedling 💕 I don't know if this guy will ever send a shoot up...

🌺 @helrazor

I'll be interested to see as do have acquired a few seeds from this!

@jeatacake it germinated months ago! I found out it grows along taproot, so maybe that's why it hasn't sprouted. Might need to pot it up.

Interesting. I will get mine planted when home. Keep us updated with yours. Thanks Jenn 👍
Late Winter 2018

#sagopalm #seedling has a long #taproot ❤️ I had to repot because the root was teaching out. Hoping it'll be happier now.
Early Winter 2017

Even my seeds decided to give me a Christmas present! 😉 #christmasmiracle #sagopalm #germinated Thank you @Kuhnjuice 🎄 Merry Christmas!

#soaked #jennplanted170928 Planted Sept 28th - 3 months to #germinate

They are very slow growers

Well done! 👏🏼😀

Late Summer 2017

So much to learn! #cataloguing #seedexchange #giftfromkuhnjuice

#scarification #startnow #winterindoors #jennbringindoors #germination is 1-3 months

Sago palm seeds require well-drained, loose soil to grow. Fill a 4-inch diameter pot with a commercial seed-starting mix or a combination of equal parts of perlite and peat moss. Tamp the soil to level the surface. Push the seed sideways in the soil. Avoid burying the seed -- keep about one-third of the seed above soil level. Tamp the soil so it's firm around the seed, and moisten it with water. Cover the pot with plastic wrap to keep moisture in.

Sago seeds need a temperature between 70 and 100 F to germinate. Place the pot on a heating mat to provide a consistent temperature. Keep the soil damp throughout the germination period. Once the seeds germinate -- within about one to three months -- remove the plastic wrap and place them in a sunny window. Transplant the sago palms into larger pots as they grow. If you wish, you can plant them outside after about three years.


My #sagopalm looks like it's trying to shoot another frond, finally.
So cool 😍💚💚💚