Delphinium 'Magic Fountains' Series
Delphinium 'Magic Fountains' Series
Late Spring 2018
- 7
Late Spring 2018
- 3
Late Spring 2018
- 2
Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2017
- 12
Early Summer 2017
- 1
Early Summer 2017
- 1
Mid Spring 2017
- 1

Delphinium 'Magic Fountains' Series
Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2018

When you forget to stake your flowers... Impromptu #bouquet 💙 of #delphinium and #lupin

Beautiful! I love the lupin. @jennlamaye
Mid Spring 2018

#delphinium #leaves
Early Summer 2017

#delphinium #seed #jennseedtrade

I'm so impressed, I've been nursing a starter #delphinium for over a month and it's a growing bundle of leaves slowly starting to shoot upwards. I can't wait till it's even this far into growing.

@kraeon it was a super tiny seedling last year... And I thought for sure it was killed in the snow during the winter... Then, surprise! Springtime! :)

@jennlamaye, I'm envious. I'm afraid mine won't make it by fall. But, hey, it's a learning experience for next season. :)

@kraeon exactly! But you never know! I had so many plants come back from the dead this year! ;-)

@Acetaker these are the Delphinium seed pods right now... They should brown up soon.

I think the ones I have r seeding B4 I get to them since the bed WAS do full and Mangled...NOT NOW....Tidy up and Pitiful Looking!

@Acetaker it'll come back! I always feel bad tidying up this bed because it looks sad when I am done, then a week or two later it looks great. :)

I hope some of them do. Some never got a chance to grow fully. The wildflowerbed just looked so bad and it looks rough now..I'm going to wait and if something comes bk then start trying to put more!

@Acetaker I'll make sure to get seeds in two weeks to add to your wildflower bed! What are your favorite floral colors?

Jenn,I love any Vibrant Color in the Spectrum. Plz just surprise me. You r so kind. It makes me Smile just to know I get to chat with u a bit😍

#jennseeds2018 #sowindoors #divide plants when new growth appears in Spring. If delphiniums need to be divided in the spring, remove and replant the new little plants growing around the outside of the clump. Discard the hard old heart.
Early Summer 2017

#delphinium #fadedbeauty #seed #jennseedtrade
Early Summer 2017

#delphinium #fromseed
Mid Spring 2017

The one baby #Delphinium that I got to grow from seed last year...
#delphinium gorgeous color! But has anyone noticed these get less spectacular each year?
@jennlamaye I never grew these so it looks beautiful to me.
I have in fact found they do look (in general) less colorful, less blooms etc. after a bit of thought I realized that I had the same plants in same areas for years! So, each year they just had less and less nutrients as they have a constant diet, I hadn’t been adding what micro and macro nutrients were being used, Eureka! Though this might not be your issue, I hope it helps.
@willows a very good point!!
Thank you! It really is the simple things I often look over, like planting some of everything in an area and keep mulch turning and turning. Simple stuff=great rewards. And trim those branches! If you see some crazy long canes on nearly anything in mid summer or earlier, snip snip! I have never had a problem cutting back-rather, not pruning is what did some in... not that you don’t know this, just a tip for those that might not!